Imagine 6: Jambalaya🥰

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pairing: Demon reader x Alastor

*Summary: Y/N is feeling hungry, and when she smells something cooking in the air, it leads her to the kitchen where she then finds Alastor.*

*Y/N's POV*

Man, Charlie has really been piling the work on me ever since the grand opening of the hotel, and the visit from Rosie.
I've barely had time to spare for myself or for a bite of food.
But in Hell's cause...good food is tricky to find.

I guess that's something I miss when I was alive, was good home cooked meals made from love.
But...what can you do?

I exhale, pushing myself up from the chair and deciding to head into the kitchen to see if there's a bite of food.
But while I'm on my way, I smell something...something...good.

I sniff the air, feeling my mouth drool as I feel myself walking towards to where the smell is, only to gasp/squeak and hide behind the wall.

I slowly glance through the corner, watching the tall, handsome, deer demon stir a pot of cooking food while he hums under his breath, one hand resting on his waist, his head tilted to the right side.

He has a head of red and black hair, with red and black deer ears, and antlers on his head.
He's not wearing his usual red coat, but instead, wears his only his red undershirt with an apron tied around his slender waist.

My cheeks grow warm.

That's Alastor the Radio Demon. A Demon known for killing Hell's overlords for mere amusement, also a demon known to make "Deals" with other demons.
You'll know its him...because of his smile.

I sometimes wonder why Charlie allowed him to help with the hotel, knowing his past...
...and I sometimes wonder why the hell every time I see him, I blush as red as his freaking HAIR!!

I sigh, shaking my head and standing up.
Maybe I should just leave and come back...?
But the rumbling of my stomach keeps me from not doing so.

I inhale a breath, and step inside, making myself known since Alastor hates being snuck up on.

"H-hi Alastor," I wave weakly.
His humming stops, and he turns to look at me, smile on his face.

"Why hello there Y/N! What brings you to le cuisine?"

My eyes widen. "You speak French?"
He chuckles. "Merely a few words here and there, nothing to brag about, mon ami."

God my cheeks must be bright red. To be honest...him speaking French is really attractive sounding.
But...he appears to be the type to know a language like that.

I tuck some hair behind my ear. "I um, just wanted to get a bite. you mind if maybe I cook an egg?" I ask nervously, knowing I have to stand right next to him while cooking.
The closest I've ever been to him since the months he's been here!

He shakes his head. "I do not mind, I believe I am nearly done here myself. Just a few minutes more," he smiles down at what he's cooking, which looks like jambalaya.

I nod, grabbing an egg and a pan, getting everything set up before I crack the egg and let it cook.
A plain egg...boring.

Alastor's dish looks to die for.
And the SMELL! It smells amazing!

Alastor x Reader Imagines❤ ✓[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now