Imagine 22: Revenge Of The Wicked😈

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pairing: Vengeance seeking! Y/N x Alastor

*summary: To claim Y/N's soul for his possession, he pretends to have been in love with Y/N when she was so helplessly was in love with months after losing her soul...Y/N finds the will to stand up--becoming wicked--, and do whatever it takes to win her soul back...*


*Y/N's POV*

A hopeless romantic is what everyone--in your human years, and in your years being a demon in Hell--called you. You believed wholeheartedly that somewhere out there...there was one man made just for you. Someone who you had been dreaming about since you were a little girl, watching Disney princesses find their true loves and receive there happily ever after's.

The only difference from Disney and reality is...those princesses only had to look and sing pretty for anyone to swoon, and those princes had hearts made from pure gold. 

Reality though...for some women, they had to work to find the one right for them, and end with a few regrets and mistakes hanging over their heads from those who tricked them into thinking that they were genuine...really in love. 

Reality was cold and such thing as happily ever after's. People are evil...taking everything they can from someone before abandoning them when they have no more to give. Yet foolishly--knowing all these facts and witnessing your mother's romances fail time and after still believed that there would be a happily ever after for you, and that you wouldn't be victim to such a cruel love fate.

Though before you could experience such a romance you would paint in your mind, you had died from a hit and run...and your soul banished to Hell. Greed...a sin of yours which casted your soul to Hell. You supposed Heaven conveniently overlooked all the things you did for good. 


Exhaling a breath, you bring your knees to your chin, one hand holding a golden colored flower that grows on the windowsill beside you, while Hell's red moonlight bask upon you. 

Before you can continue with the present must tell the details of your past...that led you to this moment where you are now. 

Growing up, your mother always warned you to stay away from men who brim with charm. Her exact words being...stay away from those who appear charming, for they are the true devils in disguises. 

She was romances, so you both believed and didn't believe her. Not all men were like those who your mother found interest in. There had to be some out there who were genuine...good at heart, like the Prince Charming's in the Disney tales you grew up watching. 

And deep down...a charming man was your type. So much so that upon your first few weeks in came across one particular man who brimmed with the same charm your mother warned you to stay away from. 

He called himself Alastor. And he...was the handsomest man you had ever seen. He was witty, charming, dazzlingly, seductive simply by smiling. How could a woman not swoon in front of his presence? He was...incredible. So different amongst the other sinner males you've seen down here in Hell, who were disgusting and not ashamed of it. 

Alastor to your eyes...was the one you dreamed of always meeting ever since you were small. He was your perfect vision of a Prince Charming. Simply, positively radiate. A match made in Heaven.

Alastor x Reader Imagines❤ ✓[COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें