The planet where the Youqin family is located has a very cold climate, and Youqin Raoliang is a well-known loser. He has not been able to successfully activate supernatural powers at the age of sixteen, and his mental power is mediocre. Apart from his appearance, his whole person There's almost nothing outstanding about it.

Without supernatural power to protect the body, mental power cannot be released to form a protective shield.

Youqin Duyou wanted the original owner to die.

Also, only dead people will not rob people. Shang Zhize is a bit of a scumbag, but his abilities are pretty good. His power level at a young age is already the fourth level. If he is trained well, he might become a tenth level master in the future. Having such a master around would be extremely beneficial for him to compete for the head of the family. What can make a master loyal and devoted to him wholeheartedly than a relationship with a lover? Therefore, Youqin Duyou will never allow anyone to come between them.

Just because of the possibility that Shang Zhize might become a tenth-level master and help him, Youqin Duyou made a killing move. hehe.

It was probably because the original owner was too unwilling to die that he finally came.

Liang Rao thought of everything he saw in his dream. In addition to being ridiculed and bullied in the name of being a loser, and the memories of the scumbag Shang Zhize and Youqin Duyou, more importantly, the Youqin Yiyang couple The care and love of the original owner, the sincere care.

Thinking of the calm figure standing by after waking up, the taste of pork rib soup and side dishes seems to be lingering on the tip of my tongue. Liang Rao's heart softened, and he hated the person who made the two of them lose their beloved son.

"From today on, there will be no more strings around me." I just have a piano to string around the strings.

Your enemies are my enemies, your relatives are my relatives, and I will live with your share.

"I know you feel uncomfortable, but you can't rush the upgrading of your powers. Don't affect your state of mind and give birth to inner demons. It's best that Liang Liang is injured, but you can't fall with him. The culprits in this matter are Shang Zhize and Youqin Duyou. , why should we be angry with ourselves? It affects their mood, makes them proud, and makes them feel confident to commit crimes."

This voice belonged to Zhu Wanmiao, she was obviously trying to persuade Youqin Yiyang.

"I understand the truth, but I just can't get angry. Liang Liang almost couldn't be saved, but there was no movement from the clan. If I hadn't been stuck at the ninth level and there were no signs of advancing to the tenth level, how could they dare to do this? Negligence and delay?"

"That's why we can't fall. If we fall, what will Liang Liang do?" "

The clan is like this," Youqin Yiyang said with a chill: "If they are unkind, don't blame us for being unjust. From now on, the profits from the stores operated under our name will not be handed over except for the shares held by the family, and the rest of the credit points will not be handed over. I have Qin Yiyang and cannot break through the tenth level for the time being, but dont forget, they eat Everything you need to drink, what kind of things are not earned by my hard work?"

"Okay, this money can be used to secretly purchase plants for your advancement. If we can't teach you a lesson now, it doesn't mean we won't be able to do it in the future."

The two stood. The conversation at the door of the ward was also quiet, because the ward is soundproofed and people who are not mentally strong enough to a certain level cannot hear it, so there was no scruple in speaking.

✓ My Taobao futureTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon