"Lockwood?" You asked.

"Tyler's uncle," he said.

Suddenly, a thought came to you and your eyes widened as you grabbed his arm. "Damon, if Lexi and Mason are back, people you killed, and they can move things on this plane now...how many people have you pissed off and killed over the years that may be looking for similar revenge?"

"Yeah, the thought crossed my mind too," he said. "I'm gonna go find Bonnie, get her to fix whatever she messed up."

"How do you know it was her?"

"Do you know any other witches in town? Because I don't," he said.

"She did bring Jeremy back from the dead," you said thoughtfully. "Maybe this is the price? Magic always comes at a cost."

"Great, so I'll get her to ask for a refund," he said, walking to the door before stopping and looking at you. "We don't know if it's just my victims, Y/N. You've been alive a lot longer than I have which means a lot more bodies...be careful."

You nodded as he walked out. Suddenly you were wishing you'd taken Klaus up on that offer to visit The Rockies.

• • •

You were hyper vigilant as you walked into the living room. Damon was right. You'd killed a lot of people too in your thousand years on this planet. You didn't know if it was only Damon's victims who were out for revenge. Your phone rang and you picked it up without looking. "Hello?"

"I can't believe you actually answered, love," Klaus said.

"I didn't see it was you," you said.

"Ouch," he breathed out. "No matter, it's good to hear your voice."

You sighed. "What do you want, Klaus?"

"In this moment or for the rest of my life? Because the answer to both is the same," he said. "And if you were to take a little trip to the Rockies, I could have it."

"Not happening," you said.

"Not yet," he corrected, as if he were sure he could win you back eventually. "But that's not why I'm calling this time, I'm afraid."


"I just spoke to Rebekah," he said.

"Ah. She told on me, I'm guessing?" you said as you fell back on the couch.

"You know Rebekah, she can be very emotional," he said. "She's upset because she thinks you're mad at her. She thinks I can persuade you to reconsider?"

"That's because I am," you said. "She broke my neck and questioned my integrity. Now she ran to the teacher because I'm not talking to her?"

"Am I the teacher?" you could hear his smirk. "I think I would very much enjoy this fantasy. Perhaps next time I come back to Mystic Falls, I'll bring a school girl uniform."

You rolled your eyes, though you felt the heat in your cheeks at the image he drew in your mind. It had been so long since you'd been with someone. The last man you'd let touch you was Klaus back in New Orleans. And you really and truly missed it, feeling his lips against yours, his weight on you. But you refused to give in.

"I don't think you could pull that kind of uniform off," you said flippantly.

He chuckled. "I do miss your fire, Y/N. No one could handle me quite like you. Do you remember when Kol and I drank our way through that little village in France? You twisted my ear almost clean off. Hm, perhaps you would be better in the role of teacher. I think I'd enjoy that fantasy too."

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