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thirty-nine. don't forget you're mine

You were getting ready for the party. In the end, you had decided to go. You needed the distraction. Your thoughts had solely been on one thing all day. Connor was not just a Hunter. He was one of the Five. You hadn't seen them since you were in Italy, all those years ago, when the Hunters almost killed the Mikaelsons. They would have succeeded if Klaus wasn't a hybrid and the daggers had no effect on him. They would have killed you too if you hadn't thought it the perfect night to look at the stars, and fell asleep in the meadow you'd found. You remembered how Klaus had been for decades after that, when you and Elijah had had to lock him away for his own protection and theirs. You hadn't been afraid of him hurting you. You knew he wouldn't. But he had the daggers then, his intent to use them obvious when he used one to subdue Finn in anger.

You wondered if you should tell him now, what you had learned. You knew what the Five were protecting. You knew how much he would want it, especially now. Rebekah had destroyed whatever blood he had left from Elena, and as she was a vampire now, a childless vampire, who knew when he would find another doppelganger to continue making his hybrids? They were a rare commodity these days indeed. You decided against it. It wasn't your problem and quite frankly, if Klaus couldn't make more hybrids, you wouldn't lose any sleep. Besides, the second Klaus and his guard dog Kol let up a bit, you were still going to make your escape.

Your phone rang and you sighed, seeing it was Damon. "What do you want now?" you answered.

"Your greetings need some work," he said easily. "Where are you?"

"At home," you checked your outfit one last time.

"The Mikaelson House of Horrors, you mean?"


"How do you feel about going Hunter hunting later?" he asked.

You tensed. Damon didn't know what Connor was. He didn't know about the Five, you were sure of it. But then, most people didn't. You wouldn't have if you hadn't run into them in Italy either. You knew you couldn't kill him. You didn't fancy being plagued by the hallucinations like Klaus had been back then. But then Damon didn't know that either, and knowing him, he would kill first, ask questions later.

There was a knock on your door before it opened and Klaus leaned against the frame, his eyes roaming over your frame. "Maybe," you said to Damon as your eyes met Klaus'. "I'm going to Rebekah's party first."

"I thought you weren't into playing with the children," he commented on the phone.

"I'm not," you said, smirking. "But I'm definitely into feeding on them."

"Y/N," he sighed.

"Text me the details later," you said before hanging up.

"You look beautiful," Klaus said, standing straight and walking over to him. He tucked your hair behind your ear, his eyes never leaving yours as his fingers lingered there. "I take it this little get up is for Rebekah's housewarming."

"Well, I was invited," you said, pushing his hand away with more ease than it took to push the feelings tittering in the corner of your mind away. You didn't want to be affected by his touch, but his hungry gaze was reminding you of all the nights you'd spent with him looking at you exactly like that.

He smirked, as if he knew what was going through your mind. He leaned forward, his lips a phantom's touch on your ear. "Perhaps I'll see you there." He stepped back, and walked away, leaving your skin tingling. Damn it.

• • •

The party was in full swing when you walked in. Rebekah's new home was exactly as you would have pictured for her, a teenage girl desperate for individuality, trying to break free from her brother's control.

Forever The Name On My LipsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora