Chapter 3 :- The Haunting Memories

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Alex reassured her, his excitement still evident. "We have Alvin with us, no need to worry."

Alvin, trying to calm Alice's fears, spoke calmly. "Yeah, let's go. You still have your whistle, right? The one I gave you on your birthday as a gift?"

Alice reached into the pocket of her skirt and pulled out the whistle, her fingers trembling slightly. "Yeah, I have it. You said that if I ever got scared, I should blow the whistle and you would come running to protect me, no matter where you are." She confirmed, her voice wavering.

Alvin nodded, a reassuring smile on his face. "That's right. I won't let anything bad happen to you. Don't worry, just stay by my side, If I said I got your back, I got your back you don't have to turn around to see if I am still there, I will be."

With a sense of security, Alice slipped the whistle back into her pocket. "Okay," she said, her voice filled with a mix of fear and trust. "Let's go." June also nodded.

Glancing back at the ruins, they could almost hear the stones calling out, reaching for them. Alvin stretched up a bit, a determined look on his face. "Let's go," he said.

Alex smiled, trying to hide his nervousness. "Alvin Walker, ready to walk into the ghost house," he said, attempting to sound brave.

Alvin smiled fearlessly in response. "It'll be like a walk in the park. Let's go already," he said, striding confidently towards the doorway and reaching out to feel the space inside.

June, concerned, asked, "Is there something there? Does it hurt?"

Alvin remained calm. "It feels tingly, kind of tickles," he replied, trying to brush off any worries.

As they stepped onto the threshold, the tingling sensation spread throughout their entire bodies, They continued to follow Alvin into the dark room beyond.

Alex, feeling a mix of fear and uncertainty, spoke up. "Um, Alvin, when you said you would protect Alice, you'll protect me too, right? And June too, just making sure."

Alvin smirked, trying to mask his own unease. "I only protect girls, not boys. Be a man, Alex.

Alex didn't like his response, but he still walked close to Alvin, seeking some comfort in his presence. June and Alice both chuckled at Alvin's answer.

Alvin glanced back at June, Alex, and Alice and sensed that they were afraid. He softened his tone and asked, "Does anyone want to hold my hand?" His voice was filled with a touch of vulnerability.

Alex quickly reached out and held Alvin's hand with a firm grip, using both of his own hands. Alvin stopped walking and turned to look at him, their eyes locking in a moment.

Alvin gently shook his hand free from Alex's grip. "I meant girls, not you," he clarified, his voice tinged with regret. Alex pouted, feeling a bit hurt, but he still stayed close to Alvin, seeking his protection.

Alex was strolling alongside Alvin, but then he slowed his pace and decided to walk with June and Alice, As they both reached, Those three started walking together following Alvin's lead, Alex couldn't help but mutter under their breath, "Alvin can be so mean sometimes."

Alice, catching wind of Alex's comment, couldn't help but smile mischievously. "Oh, you think so? Well, let me tell you a little secret. If I were to tell Alvin about your remark, he would actually hold your hand. He's quite obedient when it comes to following my lead."

Alex's eyes widened in disbelief. "No way! I find that hard to believe."

Alice winked playfully and smirked. "Watch and learn."

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