~.✧ ethira q&a ✧.~

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Hey hey! So let's do our Ethira character q&a! So excited to answer these and see how you guys respond XD

So like last time, the question will be in bold and the name of the character who is answering the question will be in italics!

This first section is from Henneth-Annun! (Sam)

Anarie -- What was it like for you when you first realized Asria had intercepted an arrow that was aimed at you?

Anarie: It was... a lot... I felt a lot of guilt. I thought I'd killed her and my job had been to keep her safe... *deep breath* I know she chose to take that arrow for me and I'm forever grateful that she did. But I would have taken it to save her life. It should have been me.

Asria: I'm glad if wasn't.

Anarie: Well, I'm not.

Asria: *smiles and messes up his curls* Come on, not too many people can say they were saved by a queen.

Anarie: *fixes hair* Yeah, because it's supposed to be the other way around. The solider saves the queen.

Asria: *rolls her eyes playfully*

Kartren -- What's your opinion on Margaret's situation/sentence? Do you think you would have done the same?

Kartren: Thats an interesting question. While I'm informed on what happened with her, I don't know all the details to the situation so I don't believe I can make an accurate statement regarding this question. But based off of the information that I know, I believe my sister and King Varien regarded the situation very well and in a dignified manner. I'm not sure if I would do the same in their position since I haven't had to face such a circumstance before, but I admire the way they handled it.

Varien: *small smile* Thank you.

Kartren -- Years ago, would you ever have dreamed of befriending one of the palace maids, let alone falling in love with one? As well, do you think it would make any difference to you if she wasn't connected to royalty?

Kartren: *glances at Gentry with a smile* No, I don't think I ever imagined that I would fall in love with a palace maid because my mind wasn't attentive to my emotions as much back then, I believe. But after Saidy and Larklind's situation, it really opened my eyes and I began to think about more than just what Austora needed in a future queen, but also what I needed in my future wife. And... Gentry is exactly what I needed *takes her hand*

Gentry: *blushes with a smile*

Kartren: As for your second question, I don't believe her connection to royalty made me fall in love with her in any additional way, if that's what you're asking. Her connection is beneficial, yes, but that is not why I'm marrying her. I'm marrying her because I love her more than I ever realized I could love someone before.

Gentry: Kartren... *blushes more*

Saidy: *grinning* You guys are so adorable!

Margaret -- How do you feel right now? Do you think being surrounded by your family, the ones that love you the most, will help you move on and look to a better future? <3

Margaret: I'm doing alright... My punishment has actually been... *sigh* Honestly relieving. They dismissed our few servants at our apartment, and I'm not allowed to go anywhere without a personal guard and permission far in advance but... I feel free. My family is safe and I don't have to bow to Solanus's threats anymore. And yes *small smile* being with my family makes it a lot better. They have a little more freedom than I do as they can go places without needing permission--they just need their guards--but having them with me makes the confinement a lot better.

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