~.✧ ethira 2k poll ✧.~

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Hey y'all!!

So this is just going to be a super quick part because I got some great responses to my announcement about Ethira's 2k reads celebrations and I need to narrow it down a bit xD

What I've decided will happen is I will write two specifically requested one shots, so you get to pick who stars in them. Additionally, I'm thinking about holding an Austoraverse inspired contest of some sort, either a fanart contest or (as relreal suggested) a one shot writing comp. So the following will be in accordance with those two things.

So first order of business, which one shots you want to see. Before any of y'all freak out because decision making isn't your forte (dw it srsly isn't mine either xD), I do plan on writing all of these eventually. They might be a long time coming because I have so many writing projects, one shots, and things lined up but I promise they will be on the list xD So I will leave lines with characters' names on them and comment next to which two you would like to see first (as well as if there is anything specific you want to see. Can't make any promises that I can write what you request but I will try my hardest haha)

(P.S. Most of my one shots are based around a couple so I'm pairing them up for the sake of making this easier for both of us XD)

Saidy and Larklind ----->

Asria and Varien ----->

Braz and Ezalie ----->

Kartren and Gentry ----->

Rhaella and Opelius ----->

Kes and Ori (oh yes I have sm planned for our Keslyn xD) ----->

Margaret and Calloway (👀 hehehe) ----->

Marcellus and Zerah (✨️😆) ----->

Phew that's a lot but I have so many ideas and I know you guys are dying to see some of these so there you go! Have at it and lmk!

(If there is anyone you really wish to see that I forgot to put on this list, lmk here!)

Okay, second order of business: the contest.

Basically before I decide to do this, I need to make sure I have enough interest so that the contest has enough people and isn't a flop. I don't really have much of an idea for it yet but essentially, whoever won would get their work featured in Love and Tradition as well as some other not yet determined prize xD

So if you're interested in participating in an Auatoraverse fanart contest, pls comment here! ----->

If you are interested in participating in an Austoraverse one shot writing contest, pls comment here! ----->

I know this is a lot of stuff to throw at you so thank you so much for all your support and participation. I srsly am super thankful and will never stop thanking you guys xD <3

~.✧ Love & Tradition ✧.~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ