~.✧ austora q&a ✧.~

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(Y'all I'm so sorry I forgot about this for so long ToT But here it is! I hope you're not too made at me 🙈)

Okay let's do this!! I'm super excited :D Big thanks to all y'all who submitted questions!

I don't really remember exactly how I did it last time but I'm too lazy to look xD So here's a key for this time that might be like last time, might not be xD

Bold = the question

Italics = whose talking

Psychoticreadertatt submitted this first batch of questions!

Larklind - what was the first thing about Saidy that you found attractive?

Larklind: Okay well I guess we're jumping right in *laughing as he glances at Saidy*

Saidy: *smiling* I'm kind of curious about this one too.

Larklind: *bows head with a grin* Alright, well I'm not sure if you remember this or not but I remember the very first time I saw you up close, face to face. It was the spring before we danced the first Descendants Festival and my brother and I went with my father to work so we were guarding the gate with him. And you and your sister and mother were going to town. It was one of the first warm days of the year so you were using a roofless carriage. And at the gate, your mother called for the driver to stop and she spoke with my father for a few moments. And I remember seeing you and we met eyes for a moment and shared a smile. It was small but I remember thinking your smile was very pretty. But then you left for town and I knew you probably wouldn't remember it.

Saidy: Wait... I think I do remember that. That was you? I never realized.

Larklind: Yes. I'm fairly sure my crush for you started that day even though I didn't even know you.

Saidy: Aw *small laugh as she takes his hand*

Kartren - the mask that you hide your feelings behind, is it something you do naturally like a survival instinct, or is it just something you learned to do because you were going to become King?

Kartren: I think a mix of learned and instinct *Shifts uncomfortably* I've always been a reserved person so that is the instinct part. But my father does generally have very controlled responses and masked reactions unless he's very upset and I've learned most of who I am to be through him. I believe to a certain degree, having a mask as a king is beneficial in order to look put together and seem confident in one's decision but recently I've been seeing the negative effects of concealing too much... I'm not sure if it will be easy to change but I suppose I will try.

Braz - who's your favorite sibling? And don't say you don't have a favorite cause I know you'd be lying.

Braz: *glances at all of his siblings* Can I skip this question?

Asria: No, no, no, Braz. We're all dying to know how you will answer this.

Braz: Well... Um... You see, I like all of my siblings in different ways.

Saidy: *chuckling* That's not an answer.

Braz: *sigh* Fine. I'll choose the person who is most likely to get mad at me if I don't choose them. Asria.

Asria: *snort* Liar. We all know Saidy is your favorite. But thanks for thinking I was that shallow.

Braz: *stuttering*

Asria: Relax *smirk* I'm just joking... Mostly.

Asria - despite the fact that you are going to have an arranged marriage, does the thought of being Queen someday thrill you? If so, why, why not?

~.✧ Love & Tradition ✧.~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz