Chapter 5: The Aftermath

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It was at least a few days since the ordeal with the Fallen Angels. Y/N was still a little unsure how he was still alive. But he was able to mostly get back to what he was doing before. And while he was unhappy about Asia becoming a Devil, he guessed it was better than dying. While he remained human. Now he was more intertwined with the Devils than he wanted to be. 

Y/N: Dammit.

He was in deep thought as he walked through the night. How exactly would this effect his current schedule? Why was he wasn't he dead? These were the thoughts he put in the later pile. More importantly he needed to begin working on fixing his stuff. He looked up at the bright moon and basked in it's the light. He took at deep breath enjoying the night air. For the first time in a long time, it was a quiet night for the young hunter. 


Y/N walked through School in silence as usual, only this time it was different. He felt an overwhelming amount of unease crawling up his back. It wasn't the presence of a demon like previous times, it was different than those times. At the same time it felt as if it was getting closer and closer. Against his better judgment he ignored it. 

Asia: Father Y/N!!!

He turned around to see Asia running towards him wearing a school uniform. 

Y/N: Oh hey Asia. Guess you're a student here now, huh?

Asia: Yeah, Lady Rias told me I'd be going to school, just like you!! 

Y/N: That's good...So how's your first day going so far?

Asia: Its wonderful! Everyone's so nice and welcoming. But I do feel a little like a fish out of water.

Y/N: You'll get used to it. But also I have to say your Japanese is pretty good despite being here for only a month or so.

Asia: Was your first day like this too?

Y/N: More or less.

When he started out he was extremely paranoid because this was his first time attending school since he was eight. He was also extremely quiet and didn't interact with his classmates. Also he was still learning Japanese so he rarely spoke. Also he was shocked to learn there were Devils attending the school as well, putting on high alert for several days. He was also very aggressive to Akeno when they first started. Thinking she was trying to get him to let his guard down, which has created the little dynamic they have going on now.

Y/N:... Oh yeah also you can stay at my place since you don't have anywhere to stay at the moment.

Asia: That's very kind of you but there's no need, Rias has already taken placed me to live with Issei.


Asia: Yes well I asked in Lady Rias if I could and we even got his parents in on the idea.

Y/N:.. You're gonna living in Hyoudou's house?

Asia: Uh huh.

Y/N: With him and his parents?

Asia: Yeah.

Y/N: Alone?

Asia: Yup!

Suddenly a wave of realization washed over him as he remembered the unease he felt earlier. This was the reason why.

Y/N: Huh. I guess that's good.

Asia: Truly. Thank the Lord-Ow!

Y/N: You alright?

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