Chapter 2: Breaking The Rules

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The next day Y/N arrived at school with his hand wrapped in bandages, a busted lip no one could see,  several injuries under his uniform, and minor concussion. He got no sleep last night due to the immense pain he is in. He doesn't have any pain killers so he is almost in constant pain.

Female Student: What happened?

Y/N: Nothing just tripped and cut myself on a piece of glass it's fine.

Female Student 2: But it looks pretty bad. *sultry* I'd be more than willing to help you with, certain activities~.

Y/N: I told you it's fine.

Before the girls had a chance to pester him further Akeno interjected.

Akeno: Now~ Now girls~, You heard him, don't pester him more than you already are~.

She was smiling but the air around her was threatening. Clearly the weaker one's they left in somewhat of a hurry. Akeno took her seat next to Y/N and looked at his bandaged hand. 

Akeno: So you cut yourself on glass~?

Y/N: Yup.

Akeno: Must've been some sharp glass to leave a nasty cut like that~.

Y/N: Yeah I guess.

He was having trouble breathing. He could think straight from his fatigue but he couldn't pass out because of the pain, his ears are ringing and his head hurts. 

Akeno: Well, I'm glad you're ok~.

Y/N could barely hear her at this point. Now hours of pain and fatigue at finally catching up to him. Worst of all his instincts were going all over the place and that comment is what triggered his fly or flight response. 

Y/N: Tch...

He chose flight. He got up and let the classroom and limped to the infirmary. He ignored the eyes on him and continued walking. When he made it to the infirmary he saw the nurse wasn't there.

Y/N: Guess that changes things. 

Soon he started to feel nauseous and something rise in his throat, he ran toward the nearest trashcan and pulled down his mask, releasing whatever was inside his stomach. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He couldn't stand it anymore, he needed something to take the pain away. He looked for the medicine cabinet to discover the lock on the cabinet. He pulled out some sewing needle and tried to pick the lock.

Y/N: Come on....

It was hard to do with one of his hands wrapped up. While he continued to pick the lock with his damaged hand, he moved the wrong way making him reel back in pain.

Y/N: Shit!

He wanted to cry. All the stress was starting to pile up on him worse than usual. First there are these damn injuries that still haven't had a chance to heal properly much less at all. Second, the direct contact made with the Devils of Kouh last night, who are in this school. Third, the massive fuck-up he made by calling Hyoudou by his fucking name! Fourth, He's starving and dehydrated! And Finally the worst part, He needs to go rescue Asia when he is in no condition to do so!!!

He threw himself onto the nearest bed and looked up at the ceiling. The lights beaming down hurt his eyes so he put his damaged hand over them. He tried to get control over his breathing but it was impossible.

He just laid there, in pain, overwhelmed, and exhausted.... Just like he always has.



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