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I watched as she walked towards me with questions in her eyes. Somehow I know what she wants to ask, and I have no interest in giving her any answers to her questions because she really pissed me off.

The whole day I have been locked in my room thinking about what wrong I did to get this type of treatment from her. I know that I some kinda cross some limits, but it didn't mean that she can take out her frustration on me, I spent the entire day thinking about her words and taking care of my headache, and it's good now, but now that she came here I think it's going to raise up again.

I liked irritating her, and it's never affect me when she shouted on me for irritating her, but the way she talked to me last night and in the morning is something else, last night I just ignore her words but again in the morning, she took it out on me, I can't even understand why she is behaving like this to me, what she wanted that I should have just stand there and watched the boy touching her wrongly, and even if there are going to be any other girl getting touched wrongly, I will be going to do the same to save the girl but no, she thinks that all the things I do is only to come close to her, Really, she really thought that of me and I don't understand why, but it's fucking hurt me like a damn.

" From how long we are going to play this game. " She said, breaking my chain of thoughts.

" What game. " I said, moving my eyes from her eyes to towards her hands which were hanging by her sides with full of henna, and the smell, it's just hitting my head like a hammer, I hate its smell.

" Staring at each other. " She said.

" I'm not staring at you. " I said, still looking at her hand, I don't understand why, but I wanted to look at her hands closely, so I just reached and slightly touched her hand to make sure it dries and when I know that it's dry, I held her wrist and looked at her hands, it has some weird design on like flowers, petals, squares and many more, I scan her hand and looked up as she looked at me a little startled.

" Why didn't you come for the function? " She asked, and I left her hand staring at her.

" You didn't get my name written on your hand? " I asked in return.

" What? " She asked confused.

" Why didn't you have written my name on your hand? " I asked.

" Why, why would I get your name written on my hand? " She asked.

" Because I want it, can't you understand a simple thing. " I said to her a little angrily.

" Are you mad or what, you're angry with me just because I didn't get your name written on my hand, did you forget that I have a permanent tattoo of your name on my ring finger? " She said with anger and I just remembered that yes, she had a tattoo of my name on her hand, but it's good to distract her from the main topic because once it's started, I don't think I'm going to stop.

" Yeah, but why yo- "

" Stop it, just stop it right now, don't try to play smart by changing the topic, I asked you a simple question, why didn't you come for the function and I need a clear answer to it. " She said angrily, like it's my fault that I locked up in my room, now it's enough of this she should get some reality check on this.

" So you want a clear answer of this, so listen. " I said, while standing and staring at her in anger.

" IT'S YOU, it's because of you that I'm not attending the function, it's because of you that I spent my whole day locked up in my room, the whole reason is you because whenever I came in front of you, you constantly try to put me down, you shout on me, curse me, say mean things to me and always BLAME ME for your miserly, even yesterday you solely blame me for the kiss even when you know that I waited for your constant, and it's you who gave me the constant I didn't force myself on you like that boy. " I said.

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