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Have ever happened in your life; that someone unexpectedly stumbled in your life and become a significant part of it. That what happened to me, when Mom and Dad came into my life and become a significant part of it and same goes to my friends.

And just like that one day she stumbled in my life and become an significant part, or you can say much more than that. That I don't even have any words to describe the importance of her presence in my life.

But the way she asked me to leave yesterday; I know that she's not talking about her room but her LIFE.

And what she thinks, I have never tried going away from her, but it never happened because I can't gather the courage to leave her. I know from the time I first saw her that she is going to be a trouble for my mind and for my heart as well, but even after the numerous warning my brain is sending to me, I approach her and make her come in a relationship with me.

Even I somehow gather the courage to leave her behind and moved forward in life because feelings are not good for me, that why I just broke up with her without any explanation. But the destiny decided something else for us and that's why we again met and now it's getting hard for me to leave her or stay away from her because whenever she's around, I can't help getting close to her.

So much is happening in our life, but can anybody tell that, after looking at her; that just yesterday she got into an accident and barely manage to save herself.

Currently, I'm standing in the garden and watching her sleeping as carefree as a baby, as she's lying on her left side, hands tucked between her knees, some strands falling on her face, disturbing her as I tucked them behind her ear.

I can't understand how she can sleep this peacefully, when yesterday she made me feel like a madman.

Like I just got lost in a dark tunnel and she is the only light which can make me came out of it.

I searched the whole Jaipur for her, but I can't find her, I don't know where she went yesterday to hide. I felt relieved only after I received a call from David Bhai saying that she came back, and that she's fine, and the way I drive my car that time; I don't know how I managed to came back safely.

But everything is fine until she's fine.

"Stop staring at her like a creep." David gritted, in low voice while dragging me away from her.

"Are you mad? What If her friends see's you looking at her like a creep? " Bhai said, glaring at me.

Sorry, I forget to tell that her friends are still sleeping here. It's not my fault, I was just looking at what was important for me, the rest can go to hell. But before that, I have to clear some things about my character, " I'm not a creep Bhai. "

" Yeah, we can see that. " Ayaan mocked, and I rolled my eyes. Like please it's the last day of our stay here, let me enjoy it fully. Because I don't know when I'm going to meet her again.

" Shut up, and don- "

" You guys here. " Isha said, walking towards us.

" Yes, we came downstairs to take a walk in the garden and saw them sleeping here on the couch. " Bhai said, glancing at the people sleeping on the couch, how can they still be sleeping?

" Don't ask guys, they all are like this. This Karan ditches her newly wedded wife and came here to talk to his friends, this is their usual thing; whenever they plan to meet, no matter how important the work is, they cancel it. " Isha said while clicking their pictures.

" Guys wake up, look everyone is awake. And get ready quickly, Euphoria Group is going to leave in a while, don't you guys want to see them off. " Isha said, to them, and only Veer open his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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