Chapter 5: Clash of the Dragon Masters: Part 2: Huntress' Tale

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3rd Person POV

The duel wasn't looking good for Y/n and the hostages, so far. It had only been a couple turns, and Ryoko had a 400 Point lead.

"This is nuts! I can't believe our lives are depending on some guy from Canada winning a card game!" one man commented. "Well, believe it. Because, it looks like he'll need all the help he can get, right now." a woman pointed out.

"You're right. Y/n's Life Points have already gone down by half. And that Ryoko chick has 400 more than him. Not to mention, with that Solemn Wishes card, she can always get more. And, who knows what else she has in that deck of hers." another guy stated.

"Cool your jets, people. Don't forget, it's Y/n's turn, now. He still has a chance to win, and get us out of here." Pops told them. The old man was correct. As long as Y/n had cards to play, there was still hope.

Y/n LP: 2000 Ryoko LP: 2400

"What's wrong, L/n? You're looking a little tired. If you don't mind my saying." Ryoko said, snidely. "I'm fine. It'll take more than a few shocks to keep me down. My move." Y/n said, drawing his next card. "First, I'll sacrifice my Cave-Dwelling Dragon... and summon Des Volstgalph, in attack mode." (Des Volstalph ATK: 2200) "Then, I'll activate one of my facedown cards... Monster Reborn!" Y/n declared.

"So, what're you planning on bringing back? Let me guess, that Cave-Dwelling Dragon you sacrificed? Or, one of your Troop Dragons?" Ryoko inquired. "Neither. I'm bringing back one of 'your' monsters. And I choose.. Masked Dragon!" Y/n said, bringing back the aforementioned dragon. (Masked Dragon ATK: 1400) "Wait. Why would you bring 'him' back? Unless.." Ryoko wondered, before realizing Y/n's plan.

"That's right. I bet you were counting on me to attack your Exploder Dragon with one of my newly summoned monsters, right? Well, I've got other ideas. Masked Dragon! Attack her Exploder Dragon, now!" Y/n commanded the beast to take out it's former ally. But, due to the latter's special ability, they both went down. "Exploder Dragon's special ability to take out both monsters when it's destroyed would've been a nice surprise. But I knew about it, too." he informed Ryoko.

"So, you did. And since Masked Dragon was destroyed, as well, you get to use his special ability." she stated. "Yeah. And, I think I'll use it to summon... my Element Dragon, in attack mode." (Element Dragon ATK: 1500) "And since I played a Magic Card, my Des Volstalph's Attack Points increase by 200." (Des Volstalph ATK: 2200 > 2400) "Now, attack her Alexandrite Dragon!" he commanded, prompting his dragon to wipe out hers.

But, she had other plans. "Think, again, L/n. I activate my facedown Trap Card... Draining Shield! This card stops your monster's attack, and adds his Attack Points to my Life Points." she informed him. "Really? My next facedown card says otherwise. Seven Tools of the Bandit, activate! By paying 1000 Life Points, this card cancels out your Trap. You'll have to do better than that, Ryoko." he told her, before getting zapped, again. Y/n LP: 2000 > 1000

"Okay, that hurt. But, worth it to do 'this'." he said, as Ryoko's Draining Shield disappeared, leaving her dragon -and Life Points- vulnerable. Ryoko LP: 2400 > 2000 "Lucky move." she said. "Next comes my Des Volstalph's other ability. When he beats a monster in battle... it's owner takes 500 more Points of damage." Y/n told her. Ryoko LP: 2000 > 1500 Then, the 'shock' of losing all those Points finally caught up with the Huntress.

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