Chapter 2: A Dragon in Domino

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Ishizu POV

It's been 2 days since Y/n and I stopped Marik from getting his hands on the 3rd Egyptian God Card; Obelisk The Tormentor. But now, we had to find someone who could keep it safe. A duelist of skill and intelligence. And could wield the awesome power of the Egyptian God. I had already found the perfect candidate. However, when I told Y/n who it was, over some Koshari, he almost hit the roof.

"Seto Kaiba!? That bow-legged blowhard!? Why him, of all people!?" he exclaimed, impatiently. "Please, my sweet. I understand your unpleasant history with him, but hear me out." I implored him.

Y/n and Kaiba had run into each other in the past, and they never got along. I mean, sure, they are both great duelists and they both love dragons. But they just never seemed to click on a personal level. 

 "*exhale* Okay. Go on." he said, calmly. "Aside from his skill as a Duelist, the reason I chose Kaiba was.. Well... You've seen the ancient stone tablet from the Pharaoh's tomb, have you not?" I inquired.

"Briefly. But when I observed the photos my dad and I took, I saw something below the image of the Egyptian Gods. Two figures in what looked like a duel." Y/n said. "Do you still have those photos?" I asked. Y/n nodded and brought them out.

While I perused through the photos, there were two that really got my attention. "These! Right here! Are these the figures you saw?" I asked, presenting the pictures to Y/n. "Yeah. One looks like that Yugi Moto kid. And, if I'm not mistaken, the monster above him is his Dark Magician." he said. "Exactly. That is the Pharaoh. The same Pharaoh who's tomb my family was tasked with guarding. Now, look at the other figure." I said to him.

And after close examination, Y/n figured out what I had been trying to tell him. "That guy looks like Kaiba! And that monster above him! It's the Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" he said in shock. "So, are the wheels finally clicking, dear?" I asked, snidely. "Yeah. I get it. But, I don't know if he'll bite. I've met Kaiba. And he's as proud and skeptical as they come. Not to mention, stubborn as a herd of mules. He's not gonna believe any of this." Y/n told me.

"Perhaps. But, you know I have my ways.😉" I reminded him. "Hehehe. Of course. Still. Can't believe you're going with Kaiba. Were there really no other decent candidates?" Y/n questioned. "Some. But, they did not have the dueling skills necessary to fend off Marik or his Rare Hunters, I'm afraid." I explained. "*sigh* Okay. Plan Z(zed), it is. But, I still don't like it." Y/n said. "Don't worry, dear. I'll make it up to you. Somehow." I told him assuringly. "I believe, you know how." Y/n told me with a sly smile. And.. he was right.

And so, after we finished our Koshari, we headed to my bedroom. Because, I knew Y/n's compensation had something to do with my feet. So, I lay down on the bed. Then, Y/n promptly removed my shoes, and he brought out a little, white feather.

Next, he began to gently tickle my right sole with it. I couldn't stop laughing. My left sole was next. Then, things escalated as he brought out a second feather and began tickling both of my feet. I was laughing so much, my sides began to hurt.

I cannot explain why. But, I just love it whenever Y/n rubs, worships, or even tickles my bare feet. Y/n gives amazing foot massages. I swear, he has magic hands.

Ishizu Ishtar x Male Reader- Dragon + SeerWhere stories live. Discover now