thirty eight

430 28 3

warnings: Mentions of torture and all that jazz

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warnings: Mentions of torture and all that jazz


Hermione couldn't believe what she was seeing. Merla Malfoy laying practically lifeless in the bed across from hers and she was supposed to just share the room like it was nothing? She had been "resting" for 24 hours, as Mrs. Weasley explained she needed to sleep to allow her body to heal on its own. 

Harry came to 12 Grimmauld Place today, but Hermione could care less. She bit the skin around her thumb as she stared at Merla. She looked... uncomfortable. Like the blankets were weighing her down.

Carefully, Hermione pulled back the top layer of the set of blankets draped over Merla and placed them at the foot of her bed. Her eyes cast onto the sleeves of Merla's top. 

"She's a death eater." Ron spoke that morning over breakfast, his mouth was full to the brim but still he had the audacity to speak. "It's the only logical explanation."

"Explanation to... what exactly?" Harry sipped a cup of tea across from his friend.

Ron swallowed his eggs. "Explanation to why she's here. It makes no other sense to why a Malfoy is in the Order's secret hide out-"

Hermione smacked Ron upside the head with her paper. "Don't be daft, Ronald. Sirius is her uncle."

The three were shocked to hear the floo signaling someone's arrival. They stand and walk out of the dinning room to see Cedric and his father. "Where are they?" Hermione looked at him confused on how he had gotten there. Was he a secret keeper?

A door upstairs was opened and Duri walked out quietly, when Cedric had noticed his supposed dead friend standing on top of the stairs he lost his mind. The golden trio shuffled back into the dinning room to give the two boys privacy. 

That was the last time they had saw Duri, soon after he was shipped off to his family. Where they would be taking him back to Korea to keep him safe and out of harms way. Hermione knew it would break Merla's heart when she wakes up.

Her hand reached for Merla's sleeve, but voices outside caught her attention. It was Sirius speaking with Cedric. "I want to see her! She's my niece, I have the right to check on my niece in my own home."

Cedric couldn't stop him from opening the door. "I understand, but she doesn't know who you are. You waking her up could cause for a very awkward and unnecessary conversation!"

The two bickered as Hermione slowly backed away from the sleeping girl. "Look, just wait for her to wake up and get adjusted to her surroundings-" Cedric tried to offer solutions but Sirius was persistent. 

He sat next to Merla in the bed and stared at her fondly. "She looks just like her mother." He whispered as he brushed away a stray piece of hair. The action alone seemed to wake Merla up in a fright.

Her eyes widened at the sight of Sirius and before either of the two knew it, her hands wrapped tightly around his neck. He made a sound of shock before he started to choke. Hermione rushed over from one side, and Cedric from the other.

The two eached grabbed a hold of one of Merla's hands and began to pull her away. "Merla! It's me!" Cedric called helplessly. Sirius looked into Cedrics eyes, the younger of the two shook his head. "I told you!" 

Footsteps rushed into the room. Hermione looked up to see Ginny, Harry and Ron looking at them in horror. "Go get some help!" She called out. She saw Ron slowly back up and run down the hallway. "Merla! Please do not murder someone in front of me. I don't need anymore nightmare fuel." 

"Hermione?" Merla whispered as she turned away from the well known murderer who is her uncle and to the girl she had the biggest crush on. "Where am I?" Her hands began to loose their grip on Sirius as she took in her whereabouts.

"You're safe, Merla." Hermione placed one of her hands on top of Merla's shoulder. "You're-"

"Stupefy!" George shouted as he was pushed into the doorway by his younger brother. Hermione, Merla and Cedric were each hit with the spell. Cedric landed on the foot of Hermione's bed while Hermione and Merla were thrown into a wall.

Hermione landed on top of Merla, she tried to regain her senses. Merla wrapped her hand around Hermione's waste and pulled her wand out of her back pocket. As quickly as she realized it, Merla was pointing her wand at the doorway. 

"Oh shit." George jumped out of the way and behind the door into the hallway as Merla blasted a hole where he once stood. 

Acting quickly, Hermione grabbed ahold of both of Merla's hands and held them above her head. "Merla! Stop!" The Malfoy stared up at Hermione, fear and pain flashed in her eyes. She was just scared. 

"What is going on!?" Kingsley shouted as he ran into the room. "Everyone out!"  The others rushed out, Cedric and Hermione stayed where they were. Cedric partially because he was partially dazed and Hermione because she was sitting on top of a feral Merla.

Tonks stepped into the room, looking just as confused and nervous as Kingsley. She gave Cedric a hand and helped him back to his feet. "Bloody Weasley." The boy wheezed. 

Sirius began to sheepishly explain his side of the story all while Cedric shouted over him. Hermione squeezed Merla's wrists, bringing her attention back to her. "Merla, let go of the wand." 

Merla looked confused but nonetheless let the wand roll under a bed. "You're hurting me." She tried to stretch out her injured leg under Hermione. Hermione looked down and immediately backed off of Merla. "Why does my body hurt?" Her eyes felt heavy and her body felt like it was burning and aching in different places. 

Tonks stepped away from the arguing and kneeled down next to Merla. "You'll be alright love, you just need to rest." She glanced over to Hermione. "She'll be here for you when you wake up."

"You promise?" Merla whispered to Hermione.

"I promise." 


1015 words (sorry these last two chapters were short) BIG CHAPTERS AHEAD I PROMISE <3

SORRY FOR GOING MIA i was so focused on my other fic i forgot about this one :(

but don't worry i'll be writing all night till my back is broken and my laptop is dead

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