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An: silent watchers I see you 🧍🏻‍♀️no need to be shy I don't bite :(


Tata laid on top of Merla's chest, snoring lazily. Lori watched the two from across the room. "I feel like we're missing out on not doing anything tonight."

Merla looked up at her. "I'm sorry, but I am not doing anything. Not after nearly exploding myself last Halloween."

Lori understood. "We can listen to music? I brought my radio with me this year." She rolled off of her bed and reached under it and brought out a large metal block. She placed it on her desk and pressed a button, it opened and she slid in a circular disk. "Have you heard of Bobby Brown?"

The pureblood watched in amazement as the metal box began to play music. "I can't say I have." Merla tossed Tata onto her pillow and walked to the radio. "This thing plays music?"

"Yeah, this is a muggle musician. His name is Bobby Brown. He's pretty popular. And!" Merla turned to look at Lori's excited face. "He just married Whitney Houston!"

Merla played along. "Wow. Whitney Houston?"

"Yeah, I have some of her CD's here. She made the song I wanna dance with somebody. Have you heard of it?"

The look on Merla's face gave it away. "I honestly can't name one muggle artist." She shrugged.

Lori looked betrayed. "Blasphemy. Not even ABBA? Or Queen?"

"I've heard of The Queen. Of England..."

The two huddled around the radio for what seemed like minutes, but in reality was a couple of hours. Lori forced Merla to listen to all of her favorite songs. Merla really like Voulez-Vous by ABBA. 

Merla watched as Lori shuffled through a shoe box of her CD's. Her eyes caught the flare of a camera. "Is that a muggle camera?" She pointed at the lens.

Lori pulled out the little white weirdly shaped camera. "It's a polaroid. It automatically prints out your picture."

"Really?" Merla watched in amazement. 

"Yeah, I'll show you." Lori pressed the button and Merla was blinded by a flash. "Oops, forgot to tell you about that." She laughed as she shook the picture.

It developed and Merla look on in horror. "Wow, why didn't you say my hair looked like that?" She grimaced as she started at her picture, her frizzy and messy hair was nothing compared to the horror on her face as she tried to cover her face from the flash. "Do it again."

Lori raised the camera and took another picture of Merla. This one, she was smiling, and her hair was nice and neat. "Much better." Lori showed Merla the picture. "One together?"

The two squished their cheeks together, as Lori extended her arms and took a photo. As the two gushed over the photo, the door to their dorm opened.

"You two wont believe what happened." Enid hurriedly shut the door and rushed over to the two. "Where is that music coming form?"

"My radio." Lori offered easily.

"What's a radio."

"It's this big metal box that uses muggle technology to play music." Merla pointed to the radio. "It's really cool."

Enid shook her head. "Whatever. But- Filch's cat was murdered." The three looked at each other, Merla and Lori were both confused. "Someone killed it... like it's dead. And on the wall, with its blood. Someone wrote. 'The chamber of secrets has opened. Enemies of the heir... beware.' Isn't that ominous?"

Merla and Lori exchanged a look. "Yeah, good thing we stayed in." Lori joked.

However, Merla nervously ran across the room and picked up Tata. "If anyone touches my cat I will end their bloodline." She ruffled the fur behind Tata's ears. The cat purred in delight. "That's right! I'll murder them!" Merla giggled. 

"That's your best friend?" Lori joked.

Enid shook her head. "I actually don't know who that is."


November 7th, Merla stretched out on the side of the field. Draco was jumping up and down next to his sister. Every Saturday, after Merla taught DADA, the two would fly around the pitch until Draco caught the stitch. Every Sunday at noon, the Slytherin team practiced. 

Merla worked the team nonstop. Enid and Zaid returned as beaters. As did Duri and Ray as chasers. Terrance Higgs left the team after he failed to catch a single snitch last year. But Draco gladly took his spot.

And of course, the captain Merla returned as keeper. The Slytherins mounted their brooms and entered the pitch. They flew around as Gryffindor also joined the game. The crowd cheered, as usual.

The Malfoy siblings hovered in the air together. "Father is here." Draco spoke nervously.

"Is he? Hmm, best be on you best game." They each flew to their positions, and the game was off.

Duri easily took possession of the quaffle and tossed it to Ray. He scored, and within minutes Slytherin ended up ahead 40-0. Merla hovered over the hoops as she watched Duri score once more. Well, this was boring. 

She looked over and saw her brother and Potter chasing after the snitch. Her attention was snapped back to the game as a Gryffindor chaser finally got possession of the quaffle. The crowd anxiously watched as the Gryffindor shot the quaffle at the lowest hoop.

Merla flew down quickly and kicked it towards Duri. Her eyes snapped back towards the seekers, a bludger was after the two. It looked rouge, like it was acting out of character. 

Harry and Draco both reached forward for the snitch, the Slytherins and Gryffindors looked at the two. Slytherin was only up by 70 points. If Harry caught the snitch this would be their first game they've lost since Merla became captain.

The bludger attacked Harry just as he was about the catch the snitch, completely throwing him off his broom. The crowd gasped as they watched Harry fall over. Then they screamed in excitement as Draco held up the golden snitch.

Every player rushed down the grass, half of them rushed over to check on Harry. While the other half ran and cheered for Draco. Merla wrapped and arm around him and showcased him to the team. "That's my little brother!" 

"You caught the snitch so fast!" Enid shouted over the loud cheers of the crowd.

Draco nodded, his attention towards Harry. They walked over and gathered with the Gryffindors as professors rushed down to see their precious Harry Potter's broken arm. Where was that when Merla nearly broke all the ribs in her body?

Lockhart tried to fix Harry's arm, but instead he made his arm jelly. "Where's his bones?" Duri grimaced at the flimsy arm.


1061 words

Sorry another filler chapter :))

I'm just trying to push threw to Goblet of fire so I can torture Merla lol

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