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"So I can join the Quidditch team this year, right?" Draco followed Merla as she walked towards a private table in the library.

Merla sat down her books and turn to Draco. "I don't know, can you?"

He made a face. "Ok, may I join the Quidditch team?"

Merla face palmed. "You obviously have to try out, just because you're my brother doesn't mean I can automatically let you on the team. That's called nepotism."

Draco sighed. "So what do I have to do? Practice?"

"Yes. Then try out." Merla shook her head at him as she opened her book back to where she left off. "You want to be seeker right? You know where the equipment is, go grab the snitch and try to catch it a few times."

"Well, can you help me?"

Merla wanted to say no. "Are you actually going to try?"

He nodded, "Of course. Sundays? Before practice? An Hour!"

"Ugh, fine. But if you don't make the cut, there is nothing I can do."

He wanted to argue, but he knew not to. He grungily walked off towards... wherever. Merla studied for a few minutes before she heard voices to her right. She turned only to see the wall, she frowned and turned back to her book.

Only, just as she focused on the letters on the page the voices returned. She looked back to the right and saw no one... weird. Louder voices echoed from her left, but when she turned she was greeted with Lori and Enid. 

"There you are." Enid smiled as she dropped her books down across from Merla. "Took us forever to find you."

Merla laughed at her. "Who said I wanted you to find me?"

Before the two could argue, the rest of their friend group arrived. Cedric and Kara offered everyone soft smiles as they sat to the right of Merla. Duri and Zaid came in loudly, arguing about nonsense. 

Kara nudged Merla's shoulder, the blonde turned to look at her. "Think you can help me with positions?" 

"Of course." Merla smiled and pulled her book closer to Kara's.

She went over the lessons from this week and helped clear any confusion that Kara had. The two only tuned back into the conversation with the group "Nearly headless Nick is throwing a Halloween party?" Kara laughed. "Sounds like a nightmare." 

Cedric shrugged. "Sounds fun, we should go."

"I'm going" Duri agreed. "Zaid?"


Enid rolled her eyes. "I guess I am free."

Cedric turned to Kara. "I don't know... I'm not really one for parties. Plus I'm still terrified."

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