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Thanks to having a devious little brother, Merla now knew what her second task was going to involve. Something important to her would be taken and she would have to retrieve it from the black lake. 

So she needed to figure out a way to breath underwater long enough to retrieve said item. She absolutely did not need to be around her crazy friends who all seemed to be angry at each other.

Duri... he was a saint- he wasn't angry at anyone for anything. He simply just was there whilst everyone began to argue over the Yule Ball. Cedric is mad at Zaid for ruining Kara's night.

Enid and Zaid are angry at Cedric for asking Cho to the ball when he knew Zaid liked her. Lori is mad at everyone for not "shutting up and moving on", and Kara and Merla simply were just over both Zaid and Cedric being idiots.

So here she sat, in the corner of the library studying for her task. She created a list of different routes she could take:


Bubble-Head Charm

Transfiguring into something sea worthy

Or using a Magical Artifact. 

Merla didn't know of any magical artifacts that she could use so she crossed that off. Her body still ached after transfiguring into a dragon in her first ask, so she didn't really want to do that again.

She could use a mix of the Gillyweed charm and transfiguring parts of her body. That seemed more plausible than transfiguring her entire body. She could become a mermaid and make all of her childhood dreams come true.

She cackled to herself at the thought. Someone cleared their throat above Merla. She glanced up and saw Hermione looking at her nervously. "Hi."

Merla sat up. "Hello." She pushed her glasses up her nose. "Are you... alright?"

Hermione took in a deep breath, her beat red cheeks puffed out before she nodded her head. "Yes. I was just wondering if it would be alright if I joined you?" 

"Of course." Merla waved towards the empty table. "Please do, actually. Hopefully your presence would defer any of my idiot friends from approaching me."

The chair across from Merla scrapped across the library's floor. Hermione happily sat across from Merla. "Is everything alright?"

Merla rolled her eyes. "Ron wasn't the only idiot being rude to their friends at the ball." She shook her head as she glanced down at her notes on how to obtain gillyweed.

The two chatted quietly as they turned the pages of their books. Eventually all the words Merla was reading began to blur as she had grown bored of the topic at hand.

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