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Warnings: gory??

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Warnings: gory??


When the rest of the student body returned to Hogwarts January 3rd, they were shocked to see two more students had been petrified. Kara Davies and Merlaine Malfoy were found frozen in place near the Owlery. 

This had caused an unsettling feeling towards most of the student body, because Merla was the first non muggle to be petrified. An investigation opened on the case of the two girls, seeing as Merla was beaten badly before petrification. 

Lori had declared that Merla was awake and moving when she and Kara found her, which only added to the mystery. Of course, their families were notified. The Malfoys were beyond scared and nervous, how could this happen to their daughter?

Of course, Lucious was aware of what would take place at Hogwarts this year. None of it seemed to bother him, until his daughter was affected. 

After months of Merla and Kara being petrified, things have gotten worse. Quidditch was canceled. Duri knew if Merla were there she would have thrown the biggest fit. That same night, Hermione Granger and Penelope Clearwater had been found petrified. 

As the students piled up in the Hospital Wing, Dumbledore was removed as headmaster. And Hagrid, who was the main suspect in the petrifaction, was taken to Azkaban. 

Eventually, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley were somehow able to find who was behind the petrification's. The Heir to Slytherin was Lord Voldemort. He was using a ballistic snake to petrify Students. That was the 29th of May, on the 30th all of the students woke up. Except for Merla. 

"Are you alright?" Lori looked away from Merla's frozen body to see Zaid. He looked horrible, but not as bad as Lori. Cedric put his hand on Lori's shoulder to comfort her. 

He smiled softly at her. "You should get some sleep, I'll let you know if anything changes." 

After a long thought, Lori agreed. She gave Merla's hand one last squeeze and turned to leave. When she let go, Merla reached forward and held onto her hand tightly. The three stared at her in shock. "Merla?" Lori cried out.

Madam Pomfrey ran over as she heard the cries. "What happened?" The nurse looked over Merla. "She's crying?" The nurse leant over and wiped away a few stray tears into a vial.

"She won't let go." Lori tried to tug her hand free. 

"Merla? Can you hear me sweetheart?" Madam Pomfrey placed a hand on the girls shoulder, shaking her to see if she would wake up. "This could be a rare case, maybe she wasn't petrified."

The grip Merla had on Lori's hand began to hurt. Not in a bone crushing way, but more of a energy sucking way. She was siphoning Lori's magic. "Merla..." Lori began to grow anxious. 

Cedric reached down and tugged Lori's hand out of Merla's, when his skin made contact with Merla's it felt like a thousand pins and needles had stabbed him. "What's wrong with her?" He asked Madam Pomfrey in shock.

The tears that were steadily running down Merla's cheeks turned from clear to a deep red. "Is that blood?" Zaid's jaw dropped.

Behind Merla's eyes memory of a dark wizard glazed over her brain. She was back in the dungeon, chained to the roof. "Your mind is easy to break." A distorted voice spoke. It reminded Merla of the time Lori's radio became static.

Merla looked to her left, then to her right. She realized she couldn't move. It wasn't the chains that were keeping her in place. It was like she was frozen in time. Or frozen in a memory. 

A figure appeared to her left, closing examining her face. She tried to speak, but she found no sound came out of her mouth. It was like she was paralyzed. Her eyes darted across the dungeon as she tried to find where the figure had disappeared to. 

Man? Could she ever just get a normal year at Hogwarts?

"Mmm, yes. You shall be a delight to work with when I return." Merla closed her eyes as she felt something touch the back of her neck. "Our souls are intertwined now, I must get a taste of your blood."

If Merla could speak right now, she would have probably been making fun of the man. But this wasn't any ordinary man, it was Voldemort. She knew it. And she knew he knew that she knew it.

He appeared Infront of her. He actually was quite handsome. Hey... if she were into men-

She couldn't speak with her words, but she surely did with the roll of her eyes. This seemed to annoy Voldemort. "You dare sass me? Girl?" 

Voldemort, or the young man? Grabbed a hold of each side of her face, his thumbs poking into the sockets of her eyes. She tried to scream but nothing came out.

In the medical wing, the group stared wide eyed at Merla as her hands reached up and covered her bleeding eyes. The room began to shake as Merla experienced an unnatural dream.

But it wasn't just the room that shook. From Gryffindor tower to the Slytherin dungeons to Hagrid's hut, the school shook. 

Dumbledore sat, perplexed in his office as the roof above him shook. Dust landed across the office and along the halls of Hogwarts. Students in the Great hall, the library, and their common rooms all froze as the ground below them shook.

Merla let out a choked sob as she regained consciousness. She quickly realized she hadn't just dreamt of Voldemort attacking her, she experienced it. She kicked the blanket off her in a panic. In doing so she fell to the floor.

Lori reached down and put a hand on Merla's shoulder. "Merla? What happened? Breath, just breath." She tried to calm down her panicked friend.

"My- my eyes." She cried out, holding pressure to the sockets.

The doors swung open, Dumbledore rushed into the room. Merla jumped at the sound and pushed herself against the wall. "Who was that? Where am I?" She panted as she tried to focus on the commotion.

"You're in the medical wing." Cedric crouched on the other side of her. "Do you remember what happened?"

Merla shook her head in response. Lori placed her hands over Merla's. "What happened, show us." Merla hesitantly pulled her hands away. She felt Lori's hands over her one squeeze hers tightly. 

"Oh Dear." Dumbledore blinked in horror.


1117 Words (hey I love that ateez song)

Y'all I am so sorry these chapters are so short. I just want to move the story along towards Goblet of Fire then I can start the romance between Hermione and Merla. Also like the main plot of the fic lol.

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