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( oh my god... 3,000 reads guys I can't believe this... I love reading and writing It just hard because I don't have a lab top or computer desk top what ever, only my phone:/ but I'll try to update more! I'm moving this Sunday June, 28th and it's a 12 hour drive so I'm hoping to read and update a lot! Thank you so much I love you guys 💕)
#smut warning #
As Harry left my flat I didn't know what to do. I new Louis has been watching me but it never occurred to me that Harry new.

As I'm standing where Harry left me My mind wonders off to Louis... I know I shouldn't but I can't help it. His eyes are a deep blue and his hair its shaggy brown it looks like it hasn't been washed in ages but the look quite fits him, it gives him an edge along with the tattoos. oh god his tattoos where beautiful I can imagine tracing over each one as he tells me the story behind them.

But then I start to think of all the things he's capable of. he scared me and he new it, he new he could get what he wanted with no questions asked and it worries me to think that he wanted me and he wasn't go to stop till he had me.

I snapped back to reality and
I went up to my room and changed in to one of Harry's old black shirts and some cute boy short panties, I always stole clothes from him but he really didn't mind. it wasn't weird because we have always been close even now I know I can count on him to come over and help me if I had a nightmare.

I went down stairs and started on diner, nothing short just a salad.

I sat down and started watching big brother. as I was doing that I got a text from my good friend Liam.

Hailey ~

-hey babe what's up? .x

~ just got done swimming and now diner you?

- open your door babe ;) .x

I got up smiling at how cute he was. I opened the door to a smiling Liam with some chocolate and roses.

" Hey babe." he smirked.

" Hey Liam" I smiled hugging him so he won't see my blushing face.

He sat the roses and chocolate down on my door side table and picked me up I wrapped my legs around him nuzzling my head in to his neck, to say I hade a crush on him would be an understatement.

I like Liam a lot he's my closet friend , he's always at my shows for work he was amazing.

Deep drown eyes that I loved compared to my green ones, his hair was soft when he doesn't put product in it but he normally put it over I loved it like that. Liam never really does a complete shave he always has a 5'o clock shadow and it's sexy as hell.

Liam new about me taking a liking to him and felt the same, we've been hanging out a lot more and I was loving it.

"You smell good" I mumbled in to his neck placing a soft kiss right under his ear.

" thank you baby." he whisperedb in to my ear while walking towards my couch.

I untucked myself from him still staying in his lap as he wrapped me up In his strong arms.

" what makes you stop by? I asked curiously.

"I want to ask you something Hailey" Liam seemed nervous, he was never nervous.

"Hmm." I hummed assuring him he can continue.

"I um I want to take you out on a date." he said softly looking in to my eyes with hope.

I didn't do anything I just kissed him.

I felt his soft lips meat mine and I was gone. I pulled back looking at him he still had his eyes closed and lips parted, like he was reminiscing the moment prior.

" so I'm hoping that was a yes? " he asked peeking at me.

"Of course Liam "I giggled.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked


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