Porsche looked at khun as if he would kill him while thinking of giving him the worst curse he knows but seems to control him on time.

"Which is kinn's room?" asked Porsche to which khun pointed out the room in kinn was.

Porsche went away and now only four of them are left but after a minute later a nurse come to them and asked them to bring the medicine from pharmacy which was written in paper.

"Ok I got it." said Pete as he took the paper from nurses hand but as he was about to go he heard a voice behind him.

"Wait Pete, let me go with you too."  said Arm to which Pete agreed and they both went to pharmacy which was situated at ground floor in this hospital.

They both reached there with lift and when they reached pharmacy Pete handed the paper to a boy who was in pharmacy and the boy took it from Pete's hands.

But as the boy was taking out the medicine which were written on the paper, Pete started feeling slightly dizzy but he shook his head so the dizziness will go away.

But it made it worse and he started falling but before he can touch the ground Arm already held Pete by his waist and pulled him closer making Pete leave his all weight on Arm.

"Pete are you okay?" asked Arm in worry to Pete as he saw on time that Pete is falling, otherwise Pete might have fallen on the ground.

"Yeah, i didn't eat breakfast in the morning that's why I feel dizzy." said Pete because this was the only reasonable reason he could think of.

"You should have said before, let's go to the hospital's canteen you need to eat and I am hearing nothing." said Arm to Pete because he already sensed that Pete would try to decline the offer.

"Okay." said Pete because he got no choice and both went to canteen to eat while informing Pol about the situation but unaware of the person who is now furious to see this and went away.


It's been two days since kinn and Porsche have been found and those two days have been hectic to say
Some tried to attack' one of their warehouse which has drug in it.

But the backup team came on a time and killed all the people but they could not found who he was so their first doubt was don.

The doubt come true when last night they attack the casino and caught don who was tortured at first by main family bodyguard but he didn't speak a word.

So Vegas came to the rescue and torture the guy till he speaks all the secrets he knew so, that's why they all are in kinn's hospital room.

Where the meeting is held about what they should do next and kinn, Porsche, Arm, Big, Pete and some few more trusted bodyguard are in the room waiting for the one & only Vegas.

The speaking of the devil and now the devil himself is here with black fitted trousers and a red silk shirt with three buttons undone.

Pete feels like that he should go in front of him and hit his head while buttoning up the remaining buttons or he can just sew all his shirt permanently that would be much better.

"Hello cousin, heard you have been kidnapped how are you?" asked Vegas as he sat down on the sofa in front of kinn.

"I am good, should we start the meeting." said kinn and the meeting start between the heirs.

After an hour of discussion both came to conclusions that they both have to work together if they want the matter to be solved.

And after another 30 min they made planned and how they will work upon it, whole time everyone was focused on the plan presented by the heirs.

In the end kinn and Vegas both seem satisfied with their plan and kinn also promised to Vegas that the main families bodyguard will also help to which Vegas smirked.

"I want Porsche for the mission." said Vegas smirking because it was fun to provoke kinn but he knows deep down that he is not interested in Porsche, not even for friendship after what he did to Macau.

He wants Porsche because he knows that kinn can't reject him because uncle already promised to him that they will have everything they want for the mission.

And if he is allowing Porsche to go to minor family, which he will surely do, Pete will definitely be with him and then he can talk about everything which he wants so desperately.

But the desperate need to talk to pete didn't let him saw the hurt expression  the love of his life had on his face because how much he wants Porsche that he didn't even wait for a second, without knowing the desperation Vegas voice has is not to meet Porsche but to meet Pete.

And as Vegas has thought kinn gave Porsche to Vegas but he also said.

"Porsche is still very new for this kind of mission and i am afraid that he might do something so, I am sending Pete and Arm with him too so, they could look after him." said kinn to Vegas who looked normal and after few seconds he nodded while inside he is just so happy.


Thanks a lot for reading 🖤💙
If there is any kind of grammatical mistakes or misspellings please forgive me and correct me too.
Take care💜

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