How it's got to be

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Chapter 18: How it's got to be

Tommen POV: 30th Day of the Twelfth Moon, 298 AC

The morning was hot as it always was. The hot southern sun shone down upon him with the faintest cool breeze. He turned his head briefly and admired the towering castle behind him, he would rather be inside of it than out here in the courtyard that surrounded Maegors Holdfast but decency required him to be. He would likely regret it for the rest of his life if he wasn't out here in the courtyard too, even if he didn't dare admit it.

Myrcella certainly didn't seem to mind the tears that rolled down her cheeks.

"Goodbye Mother," Myrcella managed through her tears, "I'll miss you dearly."

But she did not respond, she simply hugged her daughter closely. They stayed like that for what must have been minutes neither wanting to separate from the other. When they did separate Cersei turned her head towards him, he could make out her eyes through the gray veil that covered her face.

"I'll miss you too Mother," he said honestly, he would miss her, but her lust for power and control had to be punished to the farthest extent lest he be seen as weak as Aenys. No one was above punishment not even the Queen Mother.

Tommen thought he could see some sort of anger flare through the veil but it was quickly subdued. He felt something blossoming in his chest. Is that pride? Yes, it was pride he decided. He had removed Cersei's claws completely and utterly, not even the High Sparrow had managed to do that but he had.

I'm a terrible son, aren't I?

He took a step towards her and embraced her kissing the veil right above her brow. After hugging his mother for the last time Tommen separated from her and gave her a stiff nod. Cersei turned to Myrcella and embraced her one last time.

She then reluctantly turned to her fellow sisters all four of them wearing veils of gray and walked to the carriage that would carry them to Oldtown.

He heard the cawing of a crow in one of the courtyard's trees. It was staring directly at him, it was a queer sight even odder was the shiver that traveled down his spine when he looked into its eyes. Its eyes though barely perceptible to his own seemed to bore into him.

He shook his head and when he turned back his sight back the carriage carrying his mother its horses were already spurred and pulling the carriage out of the courtyard.

He turned to Myrcella and tried to comfort her with a hand on her shoulder, but she ignored him and turned away heading back into the keep. He didn't blame her for her resentment towards him, she would only dislike him more before the month was over, and any attempt to comfort her would end up being fruitless.

He turned towards Ser Barristan, "I would like a ride through the city, Fishmongers Square to be clear, assemble the men."

"As you command, your Grace,"

Tommen with Ser Arys and Ser Balon made their way to the stables and saddled their horses. Soon thirty men of the Watch along with the rest of the Kingsguard joined him. They made their way out of the thick and fortified walls of the Red Keep and into the bustling and disorganized city that was Kings Landing.

He noticed the many who sought refuge from the war in the Riverlands, the streets more full and the smell more repugnant. Some looked as if they weighed half as much as he did, it only served to further discomfort him. He had known in the past what a starving and disgruntled populace was capable of. He noticed some looked at him with smiles and looks of wonder, some with scornful looks who spit on the ground as his convoy passed them, most however went about their business not sparing them much more than a glance.

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