The Kingsroad

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I hate my mother, Tommen realized upon looking at the Royal carriage.

The road to Winterfell would be long, there was no illusion to Tommen of the weather or length of the rode, he had after all tracked down it before. Tyrion seemed to underestimate just how cold it was in the North while Myrcella didn't understand just how long the rode would be. The Kingsroad was the longest and one of the oldest and most famed pieces of infrastructure in Westeros. Crossing from one end of a continent to the other is a time-consuming task no matter which way you cut it. But Tommen couldn't help but think that the road would not be as long if Cersei didn't have to get the largest and luxurious carriage ever. It broke down at least once a day. Tommen didn't even use the damn thing because of how unfeasible it was and how much it broke down. He rode on his white mare Fastmane in the hopes of getting some fresh air while traveling at the rate of a snail. Joffrey rode his mare at first too, but eventually, he opted for the carriage. Tommen didn't blame him, his legs were cramped to hell but he decided carrying on would be better than submitting to a carriage.

"Are you okay nephew?" Jaime asked.

"Aye, he's alright a real Baratheon that one!" Robert responded. Tommen simply nodded, his legs were cramping but he didn't want to be weak again.

Jaime pulled his stallion closer and then said "You don't have to ride, you can sit in the carriage with the Queen and Princess."

Tommen was tempted to accept but ultimately declined. He had made up his mind not to give into Cersei's carriage, and he couldn't stand to listen to a rant from Cersei or Joffrey but he kept that to himself.

They made it past Greywater watch on the fifth week of their journey and made camp there. He slept in a tint beside Myrcella, she usually slept in the carriage but she said something that angered Joffrey, and mother kicked her out. She quietly snored while he read a story about Bran the Builder. He tried to read at least. He thought about the Starks and how naive they were to the game just like he was. But Tommen had adapted and hoped that he could save them. Sansa was always a friend, and Arya while a bit wild for Tommen's taste was originally supposed to be betrothed to him. He had to save them, he had to save them from Joffrey's cruelty. Tommen tried to work out a way that Joffrey could die earlier so that fewer people suffered. At one time, he might have felt something for his brother, but Joffrey had an evil in him. An evil that needed to be put down. He worked out ways to further influence events for several minutes. "What are you doing Tommen?" Myrcella asked in a sleepish voice.

"Oh...nothing Cella. Sorry for waking you."

"It's fine Tom, what are you reading?"

"Stories about Bran the Builder, I haven't read it in a few years." In reality it had been a lifetime ago since Tommen had read it but he kept that to his lonesome.

After a short silence, Myrcella spoke "Do you think the Starks will like us? Father seems to like them but I think mother dislikes them even if she doesn't say it."

"The Starks should like us just fine, I think. You should decide for yourself whether they are good people or not. Remember our cousins, Martyn and Willem when we went to Casterly Rock?"

"Yes." Myrcella said coyly.

"Remember you thinking they didn't like us at first when we visited? In reality they were simply nervous to meet the Royal family, and I believe they were more nervous to meet you."

Myrcella smiled coyly at him while Tommen continued, "Yes they were driving themselves crazy for your affections. They were tripping over one another for you."

"I do not believe father would let me marry either of them. Especially not Lancel, mayhaps I could marry the eldest Stark son. Or perhaps I could marry the Knight of Flowers, I hear he's handsome."

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