The Imp

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Absolute folly, thats all Tyrion could make of the Lannister position. In under the course of the week the Lannister position as the most powerful House was turned on its head. Jaime was defeated at the battle of Whispering Wood where Robb Stark killed and routed the entire Lannister host of twenty thousand men in which only half returned to Tywins camp. And of course there was the infamously named 'Day of Terror' in which Cersei tried to kill the Tyrells, she was stripped of her position as Regent and held in the Maidenvault to await trial.

There was no doubt in his mind that Cersei would leave the trial with her head still on her shoulders and only a slap on the wrist as punishment. Cersei always gets what she wants sooner or later... The alliance with the Tyrells and Baratheons was tenuous at best, they could turn cloaks any day and the war would be lost; for wars were decided at secret gatherings with quill and paper and not on the battlefield. He hoped neither Stannis nor Robb Stark understood that but he knew better than to presume.

The men who sat at the war-tent seemed to agree if their glum looks were anything to go by. Harys Swyft was always one for pointing out both the obvious and pointless. "Perhaps we should sue for peace, we have both Lord Stark and his daughters perhaps we could come to a... arrangement."

Tywin spoke to know one in particular his voice unusually calm but Tyrion could sense the storm underneath, "They have my son..."

Tyrion cleared his throat then responded to Harys, "We've tried making peace, but then my sister decided to kill the heir to Highgarden and antagonized our allies."

Lord Crakehall spoke then, "Is it true about Stannis?"

Ser Kevan looked up from his hands his eyes baggy and dark. He had lost his son due to Cersei's madness and he had sent his other two sons Martyn and Willem into the political cesspit that was Kings Landing. "It's true, he's proclaimed Cersei's children bastards and himself the rightful monarch. Several Houses from the Stormlands and Crownlands alike have turned cloaks and sail to join his host on Dragonstone."

Another silence ensued as Ser Harys spoke, "Perhaps we should ride for Kings Landing? We can assimilate there with the hosts from the Stormlands and the Reach." He said it as if he were saying something clever which earned glares from Tywin, Tyrion, and Kevan alike.

Tyrion's response was curt and aggressive, "And leave the Westerlands open for plunder? The Tyrells and Baratheons are at our necks how can we not expect them to backstab us as soon as their hosts reach the capital?"

The Lannisters were originally destined to win the war against the Tullys and Starks but now they could be betrayed at any moment. The king had to overflow the vacant council positions with Reachmen and Stormlanders alike. Lord Estermont was named the new Master of Whisperers. Lord Mace was named Master of Ships, and Lord Tarly was named Master of War. The King and council had not decided on a Regent but it would likely be Renly or Tywin.

After a moment Tywin spoke, "Out all of you," The men rose loudly from their chairs, their armor making their leaving seem a bit ridiculous. Tyrion gladly hopped out of his seat as his balls began to itch and he knew Shae would be remiss not to relieve him, "Not you Tyrion."

Of course.

Tyrion approached his Lord father at the head of the table. His face was rigid and stressed but it was not tired. I wonder if he ever sleeps? Or if he'll ever need it... Tyrion plopped himself down to where Kevan sat just moments ago and reached for the wine before Tywin picked it up and filled his goblet for him.

"You were right about making peace with the North, we could have made peace even with Jaime captured but because of the foolishness in the capital we now look like fools. Which would have given us more time to deal with Stannis."

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