Madness and Stupidity

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Cersei POV:

She took a swig of arbor red. As the taste flooded into her mouth the only thing she tasted was bitterness. Everything was bitter now. A lone tear ran its way down her cheek. Her child was dead, her firstborn, her golden prince. She watched from above as Tommen deflected blow after blow from Ser Meryn. His way of dealing with it I suppose... Myrcella had cried too but only for a day, then she simply started to worry over the new King of Westeros concerned her favorite brother may meet the same fate.

More enemies were showing themselves every day, the Tyrell harlot was digging her thorns into Tommen. Stannis had called Tommen, Joffrey, and Myrcella bastards and proclaimed himself the rightful King. The Northerners were fighting the Lannisters in the Riverlands with a combined host of Riverlander and Northern forces numbering fifty thousand strong fighting the Lannisters who had amassed the same number of men.

Tommen had seemed paranoid over his mother's safety and ordered one of his Kingsguard to stay in her chambers while she slept. It did not make her feel any better to have eyes watching her at night in fact it was disconcerting but she went along with it and assuaged her youngest son's worries.

The Kingsguard had failed two of their Kings over the course of a week. How long will Tommen last I wonder? Gold shall be their crowns and gold their shrouds... She had wanted Ser Barristan to be forced out of the Kingsuard but Tommen outright rebuked the proposal and called it a witless folly. He said that Ser Barristan was a symbol of stability among the people and the best sword in Westeros. He said that Robert was to blame for his own death and Joffrey was a death that could have not been prevented unless a Kingsguard was in the room.

It was a conspiracy against her and her family. Joffrey and Varys dead on the same day. Joffrey had taken an arrow to the neck while the Eunuch's rooms caught fire with him inside. Everyone knew the Spider was in on the plot, how could he not be? Someone killed my son and I don't know who...

Cersei watched as Ser Meryn fell to the ground from a counter riposte from Tommen. He then walked over and started talking to some red-haired fat boy that he was insistent on training. Then he left the yard to do Kingly things. Tommen would be a good king, she knew, but he could never live up to Joffrey. Tommen could never hurt anyone not even a fly, she had seen his face as Robert was taking him on hunts, and she knew he didn't want to go by the glint in his eye. He doesn't have the mettle required to be King.

She took another swig of wine after smelling the vintage, as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath she wondered what had happened to her little shit of an imp brother. He was apparently last in the Vale where a trial by combat was held, after that, she wasn't sure. Hopefully, the monster that killed my mother is dead .

She reopened her eyes then turned around off the balcony and walked back to her chambers. As she sat in a silk chair she wondered how Sansa would react to this. She seemed to genuinely love the boy. She had been locked in her chambers since her plea to save Eddard's life, poor girl... Tommen had afforded her father better quarters in the Maidenvault, A showing of the boy king's softness. Eddard's confession to the people of Kings Landing which was supposed to happen on that day was postponed until Joff's funeral was over and done with.

Joffrey was too strong to fall in love with a girl while Tommen seemed to follow around his betrothed like a trained pup. The Tyrells would be a problem though she supposed she should only deal with one problem at a time. The people who plotted her son's death were still on the loose and she would have to bring them to justice.

Nobody knew of Joffrey's death except for those in the Red Keep, not even Tywin Lannister had yet been informed, he was in the Riverlands routing the Riverlords every which way. His death would be announced before the people of Kings Landing on the morrow. The bells would ring day and night for the five-day King. The King that could have been... That was to be his moniker. Robert's body was only buried a day prior to Joffrey's death and he would soon be joined by his 'son'.

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