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Jon POV:

Jon knew they'd never allow a bastard down south. The queen wouldn't allow it, it would only create division between the Starks and Baratheons. Nor would Catelyn allow him to stay in Winterfell. Jon to Catelyn was a constant reminder of his father's dishonorable acts, that had stained both her reputation and his. Jon had nowhere to go but his Uncle Ben had told him about the brotherhood that forms at the Wall and now it seemed that the Wall would be the only place that would have him. Castle Black was the only place where Jon knew he wouldn't be shamed by his bastardy. Nor would he be constantly reminded of it.

Robb and Theon had approached him after the feast for a hunt in the Wolfswood. Of course, the task of asking Eddard befell him.

"Come in," Jon heard Eddard call after he knocked on his door.

Eddards solar was organized to perfection, it always was. Eddard sat at his desk writing a letter. He looked up at Jon a look of indifference on his face. "Jon, what is it?"

"Robb and Theon offered me to join them on a hunt in the Wolfswood. I'd like to go."

"You're aware that we're hosting a royal party right?"

"Yes," Jon said gingerly

Eddard pursed his lips into a thin line. "Offer to take the princes."

Fuck, Jon thought. He was going to protest but decided it was better not to. He simply nodded and left the solar. Jon didn't like either of the princes, Joffrey was posh and acted like Jon didn't even exist. Tommen and Jon hadn't even interacted besides a handshake on the first day of the royal party's stay in Winterfell.

Tommen POV:

Tommen was breaking his fast with Myrcella, Sansa, and Joffrey. He noticed that Joff was quite the charmer when he wanted to be. And didn't act like a halfwit when Tommen was near him. Tommen was content to stay quiet while Myrcella, Sansa, and Joffrey talked. The beef and carrot stew was better up in the north than it was in the south he noted or perhaps it was because he had spent most of the morning outside in the bitterly cold weather..

He barely noticed the summer cold while in the castle. He had learned in his past life while visiting Winterfell that hot streams ran beneath the castle keeping the castle warm even in the coldest of winters.

This was the day Bran fell, Tommen remembered, and so he brooded there knowing it was wrong to let Bran fall; Yet he would let it happen anyway. Bran's dreams of becoming a knight of the Kingsguard would be crushed. He's going to fly...like I did. Tommen thought. I felt relieved and free when I fell. Bran will feel scared and helpless.

His thoughts were interrupted by footsteps behind him, two figures soon appeared in front of the four who were breaking their fast. Jon Snow and Robb Stark stated their intention of hunting in the Wolfswood and asked if the princes would join them. Joffrey of course liked hunting but would not lower himself to hunting with a bastard and a northern barbarian so he politely declined. Tommen did not like hunting, but he had to get on Robb's good side and needed something to take his mind off of Bran. So he accepted the invitation.

Robert was easy enough to convince especially when he was drunk. He knew his mother would probably say no so he avoided her and only asked the king which had its advantages such as asking for enough golden dragons to buy a brothel. Which he did, and Robert had forgotten of the whole conversation by morning.

He prepared Fastmane for the ride, he fed her some carrots along with an apple as he gently petted her mane. To his disdain, he learned that Theon Greyjoy would be joining them. Tommen could never forget what the Ironborn did to Winterfell. They killed Bran...they killed Rickon. But alas he was not his brother and would still show courtesy and respect towards the Ironborn. No matter what Theon did in the future. He wouldn't save Bran's dreams of becoming a Kingsguard and probably wouldn't be able to save his life either.

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