Small Council

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Over the next several days after arriving back in King's Landing. Tommen readjusted to the busy life he led. It was not quite as gut-wrenching as his old life when he was king but it was still busy and stressful alike.

Over the past few years, he had bought several brothels and taverns and other such businesses in the city. Not in his name, of course, a mysterious man by the name of Corlan Wode owned the businesses. The brothels were so successful to the point where even Littlefinger had gotten a rival when it came to the luxuries and costs in brothels. Tommen had no time for 'counting coppers' so Corlan handled the finances, but Tommen owned the business in all but name. He made all the major decisions. Financed the operation, and provided security.

Tommen had also begun planning an overhaul of the Kings Landing sewer system. Though the cost of that expenditure was great and Tommen simply could not afford it at the moment.

He over the past few days had also been corresponding with Margaery by raven. No doubt Pycelle was reading the communications and telling everything to Cersei. Though nothing serious in the message scrolls was being discussed so Tommen had seen no reason to pay a visit to the maester. The messages had stopped though as the Tyrells made their way to Kings Landing.

Tommen had shared a table with the Starks once since their entry into the Red Keep. Eddard seemed to hold him in high regard and told him he was a man of honor and intelligence. To which Tommen gracefully responded that 'No man is more revered for their honor than Lord Eddard Stark'.

Arya and Nymeria too held a high opinion of Tommen. Tommen assumed it was because he didn't treat her like a lady, and dueled with her on occasion. Nymeria let him pet her and didn't seem to mind his touch.

Sansa however to his surprise did not like him too much. She was still courteous as a lady should be, but he could tell that Joff had been whispering lies about him in her ear. And Sansa being so infatuated with Joffrey believed every word. When Tommen reached out his hand to pet Lady she snarled and showed her teeth.

Tommen rarely ate outside his chambers except when he was required to. He found himself fond of keeping himself busy if it distracted him from thinking of Bran among other dark things that he had allowed to happen or had a hand in.

It got to the point where even Cersei had to come to see if her son was alright and wasn't deeply sick or dead. Cersei seemed to be caring and loving at this time as he remembered her when he was younger, but after Joff died she changed. She became more erratic and less empathetic, and she seemed not able to thoroughly think of what consequences her actions would bring.

Cersei's manipulations became plain to him in his last months alive, Margaery's too, but at least Margaery had some affection for him or so he thought. Margaery had his best interests at heart and indeed the entire realms.

But Cersei...Cersei wanted him to be more like Joffrey...more like her. Tommen had openly admitted his love for Margaery to his mother and yet she killed Margaery anyway.

He clenched his fists in anger, squeezing his hands so hard the knuckles turned white, but he shook his head of these thoughts... these memories of betrayal, hurt, and failure.

"Ser Addam!" Tommen called from the desk in his chambers yelling loud enough so the knight could hear through the thick walls and heavy doors.

And sure enough, the slender man with white whisps in his hair appeared."Yes, my prince?"

"One of Robert's butchers has a son named Mycah bring him to me."

"At once my prince."

Ser Addam was just a bit shorter than Tommen, and was not as proficient a Swordsman but was still graceful and skilled with the weapon. He was a bastard from the Westerlands and Tommen kept him around for one reason, loyalty, something like that was invaluable in the Red Keep and indeed in the whole of this accursed earth.

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