The Wolf and the Lion

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(Kevan Lannister POV/Casterly Rock)

War, it had been nine years since he had last marched off to war. He hated it, leaving his family to fight a war that some fool had to go ahead and start. This war would be a just one though, no one can simply seize a Lannister without repercussions, especially the son of Tywin Lannister.

Kevan cursed under his breath as he made his way up to Tywins solar. He would be marching off to war again but this time he would be taking his sons with him. Martyn and Willem would be fighting their first war, they would be serving as squires. For who? Kevan was unsure of that as of yet.

He was hoping it would be him or Tywin but he knew it would have to be one of the Bannermen. Kevan sighed deeply as he straightened his back making his way up the winding steps of Tywins solar. He spared glances at the tapestries that filled the walls. Tapestries of Lann the Clever swindling the Casterlys out of their ancestral home. Tapestries of Tommen the Second on his expedition to old Valyria, a doomed and foolish expedition. It had cost the Lannisters their Valyrian sword Brightroar. Now the Lannisters were without a Valyrian sword. A weapon that brought pride and renown to any House in Westeros. A passing thought occured in his head of taking the valyrian sword of a fallen enemy and thus giving some pride back to the Lannister name.

He finally made it to Tywin's chambers, the door was pushed open by one of Tywin's guards, his name Kevan was unsure of. It was a straight line from the door to where Tywin was sitting. He was behind a desk, his back hunched over while he was writing on parchment. The room was filled with tapestries and had the gold and red colors of House Lannister all over the walls and rugs.

The room smelt of candles and the sea, some of the stained windows were opened allowing the smell of the salty sea to blow through the room.

He quite enjoyed the sound his boots made as they hit the polished marble floor, indeed the Lannisters and Casterlys spared no expense into making their mountain fortress the most luxurious place in the world.

He approached the desk and saw an empty seat. He didn't fill it though, he simply looked down at his elder brother as he continued writing on parchment not once looking up. He didn't mind waiting, it was a little insulting but he knew better than to be offended.

Finally after some moments, Tywin finished and rolled up the paper placing his stamp over it. "Take this to the rookery," Tywin said. Kevan looked at his brother inquisitively, he was at first a little insulted but he knew better than to take immediate offense and simply waited for his brother to explain.

Tywin took a small sip of wine then spoke, "The Prince has requested Martyn and Willem go to Kings Landing to eventually serve as his sworn shields."

Kevan pursed his lips in thought. Why would the prince want his cousins? He has never even taken an interest in the two. Then the thought occurred to him. "Which Prince?"


Kevan glanced down at the parchment then asked, "Are you going to accept?"

"I'm not sure," Tywin responded. "We'll be marching off to war in three days, the Prince said something about Martyn and Willem paging and eventually squiring for Ser Barristan."

Kevan kept a face of indifference but surprise and happiness swept through him. The boys would still likely head off to war but they would be under the protection of one of the best knights of the realm. If Robert picked the just side. And the two were like to become two of the best knights in the realm if they squired for him.

Tywin continued, "The choice is yours Kevan, if you'd prefer they marched with us burn the letter, if not, then give it to the maester."

Kevan bowed his head after Tywin gave a lazy flick of his wrist. To Kevan the answer was obvious, he headed down to the Rookery and gave the scroll to maester Creylen.

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