What I never could've expected

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A/N: GUESS WHAT?! GUESS WHO'S HERE TO RUN THE SHOW?! ⚠️ IT'S TIME Y'ALL. And yes, I know you all hate Catalan but he's such a cinnamon roll I can't.

TW: Sexual content ahead 


I never expected the day before my wedding the enemy who wants me and my entire family dead would escape and be at large. 

And I never would've expected a falcon to arrive with a journal from Dorrenhid with a note from Castien saying that this is what we've been looking for. 

And that everything we've been trying to find is here in these pages. 

Nicasia is beyond traitorous. She shouldn't even be exiled for her crimes, she should be killed for them. 

What an interesting last day as a single woman. 

We; consisting of me, Catalan, Mom, Dad, Taryn, Oak, my circle, Nara, and Mom and Dad's circle, have been up for hours now, and I look at Dad who just shakes his head. 

But I disagree; I have to tell my mother. 

"Mom," I say and she looks at me with quiet fury in her eyes, "We've been... hiding something that could change the fabric of our relationship with the Undersea," I say and Nara shakes her head. 

"Rhea, don't-" she tries but I glare at her. 

"She deserves to know," I say and Mom raises an eyebrow. 

"I deserve to know... what?" she asks and I sigh as I close my eyes. 

"Nicasia has done far worse than try to kill me and betray us. She's been behind everything. And I received a source from Prince Castien earlier tonight saying that Catalan's father was under siren song control... Nicasia is the only one who can order the sirens to attack someone to do some seriously sketchy mind-control. Everything Lord Jasce did, the idea of taking over the continent, using Aunt Taryn as a way to kill the family... was under Nicasia's orders. We're trying to find a way to effectively end Nicasia's reign over the Undersea. And she also was behind the order that she wanted to kill me by using Catalan as a scapegoat, which is why we thought he was the villain. It's been Nicasia all along," I blurt out and I watch as the blood drains from my mother's face. 

"You knew this?" she asks and I nod. 

"Everyone in this room did," I say, feeling guilty when she whirls on my father and says, "You hid this from me? That Nicasia was the one targeting our family for decades?" she screams and he closes his eyes.

 Mom is enraged as she screams at him before I say outraged at her behavior, "This is exactly why we didn't tell you! We need to come up with a plan and not act rashly!" 

Mom's eyes glint dangerously as she hisses, "Forgive me for wanting to take revenge on what Nicasia has done to all of us in the past and placing you and your brothers' lives in danger. You'll understand my rage when you have children of your own someday. But for now, you betrayed me, Rhea. All of you did. Rhea, because you were immature and selfish in hiding this, we might all be in danger-" 

"I suggest you stop blaming my fiancée and realize the sacrifice she has made to protect you," Catalan snaps as his eyes flash and his teeth are bared and Mom practically snarls, "She's my daughter." 

Catalan's expression grows even more darker as he says coldly, "And tomorrow, she's my wife." 

Mom looks like she's about to attack Catalan when Dad yells, "Enough!" and everyone freezes and stops their bickering. 

"Arguing amongst ourselves solves nothing," he seethes, "But if Rhea's right, Nicasia has not only committed treason, but is guilty for the thousands of lives lost and she is a murderer. Now, let's please focus." 

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