But he's a prince

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As a well trained swordswoman and spy, a Queen and a mother, I can tell when my daughter is angry. 

I spy on her across the garden, spitting mad with Nara of all people and then the Prince of Dorenhid, practically yelling at one another. 

As he stalks off, I follow him with my eyes narrowed.

 As I look at Rhea, she looks furious but practically instantly sobers and her face of dead calm is back. 

She crosses the garden and walks towards me, where I hang back from the whirling dancers and the noisy chatter birds known as the court.

"Are you alright, what was that about?" I ask quietly and she shakes her head as she looks out across the garden.

"Rhea, I saw you arguing and then I saw you throw a dagger. Something's wrong. You were hissing at Nara and then you were arguing with the Prince of Dorenhid. What's going on?" 

"Nara sabotaged me. Queen Nicasia is using her daughter to try to get to me. Father planned for me and Prince Castien to be united, and heavens knows what his father thinks of the two of us, but Nicasia wants Prince Castien for personal gain on Nara. And Nara listened to her. I removed her from my circle and she thinks that I am scorning her out of jealousy." 

"Well, are you?" I ask as I meet her eyes. 

She has my eyes, and they glint dangerously with anger and coolness. 

"Of course not. You know better than anyone that I wouldn't use Nara like that. She is the only other princess who understands me. Now Prince Castien and Nara will be climbing up my ass. I have no doubts that we'll hear from Queen Nicasia sometime soon." 

I chuckle darkly. "How exciting. You should tell your father what's happened before Nicasia gets to him." 

As she sets off across the garden, The Bomb slips next to me from the shadows. 

"Lovely party you're throwing, Jude" she compliments and I smile. 

"Indeed. I need you to keep an eye on Prince Castien at all times. I don't care where he is, but while he's here in Elfhame, we need to ensure he's not going to try and rise up against Rhea's future or Rhea in general." 

"Do you suspect him of such?" She asks quietly and I nod. 

"He's already gone after her circle. It won't be long until he's left her alone and then be able to sneak up on her. Promise me you'll watch him." 

"I already am" she says hushed and I smile. 

"Thank you." 

After a few minutes, Cardan approaches me and he looks mildly confused. 

"Rhea just told me that Prince Castien has gone after Nara. Nara has been removed from her circle, Nicasia might visit us and that Prince Castien is a threat to her reign? Is this... true?" 

I sigh. "It is. Nara was caught by Rhea with Prince Castien, which jeopardizes the treaty with Elfhame if he is seen mingling or... degrading other princesses. Nara has lost respect and influence in Rhea's circle so Rhea told her to leave, and now she's certain that Nara will tell her mother like the child that she is." 

Cardan doesn't look any less confused, if anything he looks more confused and.. drunk. "So... what should I do?" 

I groan. "You're drunk, aren't you?" 

He leans in with his eyes glinting and a dangerous smile playing on his face. "Perhaps. There are still several hours until dawn, Jude. Maybe you should just relax and have something to drink." 

I shove him off of me with a smile, shaking my head. "At least one of us has to be sober, Cardan. And we know that I don't drink." 

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