Lose yourself in the moment

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There's nothing but white hot rage coursing through my bones as my sword slams against Nicasia's and I glare at her as I overthrow her blow. 

"You will stay the fuck away from my family," I roar at Nicasia, swinging my sword wildly, and Nicasia lets out a laugh as I hear Cardan scream again for me. 

I can't right now. 

I promised my daughter I would get my revenge on Nicasia and Nara. 

I wouldn't lie to her. 

Our swords meet with every blow I have to offer, sparks singing off of the two steel blades like a melody, and everything inside of my head is completely silent.

 She nearly killed my daughter, so I would do the same to Nara. 

I would nearly kill her mother and see how she liked it herself. 

"What would Cardan have to say about this?" Nicasia screams as my blade slices clean across her cheek and her blood begins to run. 

"I couldn't give a proper shit right now," I spit, even as I watch Nara enter the throne room and out of the corner of my eye I watch as Castien roars, starting to swing directly at her. 

He's grown protective of Rhea, despite everything, and it's everything within me to know that my daughter is protected if I can't protect her myself. 

I yell in pain when one of the daggers Nicasia had dug into my skin strikes my good arm and pull it out quickly, ignoring the blood that's already beginning to seep out of the torn flesh on my arm.

 "An eye for an eye," I hiss, stalking towards Nicasia, the once silver blade of my sword dark blue from the spilled blood I've already caused as a frightened and furious protective mother. 

"We'll see about that," Nicasia roars as she runs out of a back exit of her throne room and I pursue her. 

Not today, bitch. 


Queen Nicasia and Queen Jude have left the throne room through some exit that I do not know of as I continue to fight with Nara. 

She practically giggles as she lashes out her whip, it cracking through the air dangerously as I watch centimeters from my eyes as a line of electricity runs through the dangerous weapon. 

Of course Nara would delight in weapons such as these. 

"Why would you do this?" I yell as I block Nara's kick at me, even as I stumble backwards and she shrugs. 

"Why wouldn't I?"

King Cardan is lying on the ground, unconscious from Nara's whip, his breathing ragged even as he is somewhat uninjured. 

How many more Greenbriars need to suffer at the hands of people like Nara and Nicasia? 

Clearly not enough. 

I know that Queen Jude is strong and brave, and so is King Cardan, but currently he is lying on the ground in pain while his daughter suffers back in her bedroom. 

It's a refueling of pure anger that courses through my very being when I yell and return blows back using my sword against Nara, who's eyes widen in fear when she realizes how the tide has turned against her.

 I pin her against the wall with my sword against her throat, snarling out, "why would you do this? Start talking, or I'll kill you myself." 

"You wouldn't dare to kill me," she says with a careless laugh and I press the sword harder against her throat, the smallest cut beginning to show blood and I hear her gulp nervously. 

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