God, you're as dumb as they get

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I can hear when they all return to the castle. 

There's screaming and yelling, stomping of boots and I demand that one of my circle members find out what's going on. 

Melanie enters and dips her head. "Everyone has returned alive. Princess Nara and Queen Nicasia are in the dungeon to extract information from them but Prince Castien said that Princess Nara wishes to talk to you. And only you," she says and my eyes narrow. 

I know Nara. 

But this is beyond her.

All of it is. 

"And.. Prince Castien?" I ask nervously and I watch Melanie smirk. 

"He's fine, Rhea. Granted, he is injured-"


I am out of bed before she can barely blink and Melanie swears and yells at me to stop as I race into the hallway. 

There are soldiers and nurses running around the hallways as if everyone's head is coming loose but I'm only looking for one man.

I find Mom stripping out of her armor and she gapes at me in shock. "Rhea what the hell are you doing-" 

"Where the fuck is Castien?" I hiss out in rage and she blinks in surprise. 

"He's in his room. But he's injured, Rhea, now's not a good time to see him," she says softly at the same time I whirl and start slowly limping away from her yelling back, "FUCK THAT." 

I'm pissed the fuck off at Castien. 

I warned him what would happen and yet he still refused to listen to me. 

I might kill him myself. 

I storm into Castien's room and his head whirls towards me, entirely shirtless and I blink in surprise. 

"Rhea, what in gods' name are you doing out of bed?" he demands and I snarl in anger. 

"What do you mean why I'm out of bed? I warned you that I you were going to get injured, because you know nothing about the Undersea!" I yell at him, waving Melanie and the nurse away. 

Small nicks are adorned on his body and a face wound bleeds profusely which only makes my rage rise higher within me. 

I severely warned him and he still chose to ignore the warning. 

"You're as dumb as they get," I growl out and Castien closes his eyes. 

"You know that I went down there for you Rhea," he says quietly and my blazing eyes turn back to him. 

Bullshit, and he knows it. 

"Bullshit, Castien. You did this for yourself so that you could finally think that you belonged here in Elfhame in order to gain my father and mother's favor. You did this for yourself, and don't let yourself believe for a second otherwise-" 

"I DID THIS FOR YOU, RHEA. YOU CANNOT TELL ME OTHERWISE," Castien roars and I startle, jumping slightly. 

He looks away, shaking his head. 

"Rhea... I wanted to do this for you because of what Nara and Nicasia did to you. And I got answers. Answers for everything. Nara will explain everything." 

"Oh hell no," I snap, jabbing my finger at him, "I will not hear a word from that tramp."

It hurts to admit, but that is what she is. 

A deceitful, jealous, pining bitch. 

I should have seen it sooner. 

"That's all good and fair, Rhea," Castien warns softly, "But Nara was telling me the truth." 

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