F*ck You

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 The sun is nearly coming up as the party moves outside to the gardens in the shade of the giant tree palace.

 The leaves are strewn with fairy lights, creating a mystical and golden-like perspective on Elfhame I've never seen before.

 Trevan and Aeden went to bed hours ago, before the sun comes up and I smile at people as they dip into curtsies as I look for one person. 

I'm looking for Castien. 

Maybe he's not as bad as I thought. 

At least I hope not. 

I part deeper into the gardens and hear murmures and giggling. 

As I look into one of the hidden hedges, my mouth falls open in disgust. 

Prince Castien is shoving his tongue down Nara's throat. 

My throat is closing off and angry tears prick my eyes as she giggles again and his eyes almost glow eerily in the blue mist of the rising sun. 

I storm out of the gardens and tell Bay, Naercé and Melanie, who's mouths drop open. 

"What a traitor." Naercé says, shaking her head and I sigh. 

"I mean she's not technically a traitor but it's disgusting how she chose not to tell me when my father expects me to spend time with him all night." 

"You know that Queen Nicasia is probably teaching her daughter the same exact thing" Bay says with a frown as she gazes over at the man she danced with earlier this evening. 

"I know it's unfair to be mad at Nara, but she knew about my duty as a princess and chose to ignore it."

 "No, you have every right to be mad at Nara. You liked him?" 

"No. I wouldn't say that I did. He's arrogant, cocky, something I don't look for in a partner. But our parents expect us to be diplomatic with one another, not shoving each other's tongues down our friends' throats." 

As Nara and Castien re-enter the party, I keep my face neutral, eyes glowing as I look at Nara, my friends glaring. 

Her eyes widen as she realizes what I've seen and excuses herself from Castien. 

He follows her with his eyes before his eyes settle on me, her destination and his gaze grows stoney. 

"Rhea, let me explain-" 

"I don't think I need to hear an explanation from the woman who allowed a foreign allied prince to shove their mouth into my best friends' mouth. Besides, your mouth may as well just be contaminated to me by now." 

Her face reddens and she looks down at her dress. "You understand that I'm also a princess. My mother is forcing me to look for matches." 

"And looking for matches is trying to take matches from my father and me?" I snap and she flinches slightly.

 My friends are silent, eyes on Nara, disappointed, and disgusted.

 They will follow their next queen, not a princess from under the ocean.

"You knew that my father and the King of Dorenhid have been trying to set up a match for both me and Prince Castien. Besides, you are the future queen of the sea. He is the future king of an elven land. I really don't see how you would live on land for the rest of your life." 

"I'd say that's a slight problem, out of a larger one.  You are Elfhame's future queen, and he is Dorenhid's future king. How do you plan on ruling both Elfhame and Dorenhid if you are indeed to be betrothed to Prince Castien?" she sneers and I narrow my eyes. 

"I will figure that out in my own time, as will my friends but as of now, you are no longer a part of the Circle of Archers." I say firmly and she snarls before grabbing the train of her dress, and with a dramatic swish, leaves. 

We watch her go, and my eyes sting. 

Nara is the other Princess who knows what it's like to have hardships that come with the responsibility and weight of a crown. 

Losing her in my circle and as one of my friends breaks my heart, but what can I do when she is the exact threat to my crown and my future? 

Castien's eyes are burning embers as he looks over at me and his lips rise in a snarl before he exits the garden, storming. 

I follow after him and he turns around, practically fuming. 

"How dare you" I seethe and he snarls, hands bunched into fists. 

"How dare I? You decided to cast off Princess Nara because we were both drunk and mistakenly found us together. You cast her off, a fellow princess, a loyal friend and a future ally. You lost both allies tonight. I hope that when the time comes in your reign, you need either one of us and you find yourself gasping for air. I will not answer your plea for help." 

"I never asked for it" I snap and his eyes glow again. 

"How dare you try to take my friend from me. You saw how vulnerable she was tonight and yet! You decided at her weakest moment, while drunk on laughter and faerie wine that you would take advantage of her. You are a disgusting male, primitive and claiming. How can I forgive you for what you've done to me and my friend?" 

"If she's your friend, she would still be in your friend circle, not cast off and about to give you a massive headache when she runs to Queen Nicasia who effectively goes to your father, who summons you and you get to deal with the entire mess." 

I fold my arms. "And I'll tell them the truth. My circle is based on my influence. If Nara's influence has faded or dulled she is no longer of importance to me in my group. Instead of lying, I will tell them the truth. Unlike someone else I know." 

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asks snidely and I give him a cold smile. 

"It means that I will only see you as a threat from now on. And if you dare come for me or any of my friends, my circle, hell, my kingdom, I will end you. I don't care about the outcomes, I. Will. End. You." 

His eyes flash dangerously and he cocks his head to the side. "If you wish, Princess. But just know that my people will avenge me. You will only lead your kingdom into a useless war that we will obviously win. A woman at the head of the throne is a woman scorned and to be won over in marriage. Never to become a queen." 

"Fuck you." I snarl out, reaching for a hidden dagger in my dress as he turns away and it launches out of my hand. 

It barely misses him, as I had hoped and he looks at me, fear and hatred coursing through those irises. 

I smirk and cross my arms as I spin another dagger in my hand. "Oops. I missed. If a princess is only meant to be won over, then you won't like when I will become Queen of Elfhame. I will become your biggest nightmare, a nightmare you will never be able to escape.. now that we're allies. Goodnight, Prince Castien. I hope you have a wonderful evening." 

"Is that a threat?" he asks warily and I show my teeth. 

"Only if you interpret it like so." 

He leaves the garden and I smile down at the dagger before back at the spot where he had been standing. 

A woman scorned... 

I will never be lesser than him. 

I will be so much more. 

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