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Start from the beginning

Amidst the excitement, Yeji turned to me and shared her thoughts. "You know, Jake isn't that bad for an older guy," she commented casually.

I raised an eyebrow, curious about where this conversation might lead. "Oh, really? Do you think there might be something more between you two?"

Yeji smirked, her eyes glinting with mischief. "Maybe. But here's the thing, Seori. If something more happens between Jake and me, you should let the same thing happen with Jungwon."

Surprised by her suggestion, I blinked before responding, "Wait, what? Why?"

Yeji leaned back, a playful smile on her face. "Think about it. Having older street racers as boyfriends? It's kind of cool, don't you think?"

I chuckled, not expecting such a proposition. "Yeji, you're something else. I'm not sure if Jungwon and I... you know, like that."

She nudged me with a grin. "Just keep an open mind, Seori. Life's full of surprises."

As we continued watching the race unfold on the display, the city streets painted with streaks of light from speeding cars, I couldn't help but ponder Yeji's playful suggestion.

As we continued watching the race unfold on the display, Yeji and I delved into the whimsical topic of having older street racers as boyfriends. The ambiance in the hut, filled with the distant echoes of engines and the glow of racing lights, fueled our playful banter.

"I never expected you to be so open about this, Yeji. You're usually the mature one," I remarked, a teasing smile playing on my lips.

She laughed, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, life's too short to be serious all the time. Besides, who wouldn't want a badass street racer as a boyfriend?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at her enthusiasm. "Fair point. But how do you even imagine that happening? It's not like we can just pick them up like groceries."

Yeji leaned in, a conspiratorial glint in her eyes. "Oh, Seori, it's all about the scenarios. Picture this: a thrilling street race, late-night escapades, and a mysterious older racer stealing your heart. It's like living in a movie."

I raised an eyebrow, amused by her vivid imagination. "You make it sound like a romance novel. What if they're not interested in us like that?"

Yeji winked, undeterred by skepticism. "That's where the magic happens. You just need to create the right atmosphere, drop a few hints, and let fate do the rest. Trust me, Seori, it's all about the subtle art of making things happen."

As the scenarios unfolded in Yeji's animated descriptions, I found myself getting drawn into the playful fantasy. The Ramen Queen and the Bad Boy Racer—entangled in a world of possibilities beyond the confines of the racing scene.

We giggled like schoolgirls, lost in our musings, until the display caught our attention with the approaching end of the race. The cars sped across the finish line, marking the culmination of another exhilarating night.

Yeji nudged me, bringing our conversation back to reality. "Who knows, Seori? Maybe the street racing world has more surprises in store for us than we think."

As the echoes of the race began to fade, leaving the city in a momentary lull, I couldn't shake the feeling that the chapters of our story were unfolding in ways neither of us had expected.

After an exhilarating hour of street racing, the night settled into a calm rhythm as Jungwon emerged victorious once again. When he arrived back at the hut, a surge of excitement propelled me, and without much thought, I jumped into his arms, congratulating him as if he were already my boyfriend.

Yeji, always one to see beyond the surface, chimed in, "Seori, this is just the start of your friendship with Jungwon evolving into something more."

Jungwon, caught off guard by my spontaneous gesture and Yeji's words, looked slightly confused. I could sense the unspoken question in his eyes as he gently let me back onto the ground.

As we exchanged smiles, the camaraderie between us took on a new dimension—a subtle shift in the dynamics of our connection. Little did I know, the city lights bore witness to a friendship that danced on the edge of change.

Just then, Jake strolled over with a playful smirk, asking, "Where's my congratulation hug, Yeji?"

Yeji, ever the witty one, responded with a grin, "Sorry, Jake, those are reserved for the winners. Maybe next time you'll secure a victory worth celebrating."

Jake laughed, the banter between them adding another layer to the unfolding night. The racing crew, the Ramen Queen, and the Bad Boy Racer—each moment weaving the fabric of our story in the vibrant glow of the city.

As the night progressed, I couldn't shake the feeling that our lives were merging with the energy of the racing scene, a tapestry of connections that went beyond the thrill of speed.

To be continued...

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