Seventy Two

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It's the day of Zee and Nu's wedding and Nu is pacing back and forth in his bedroom. Their families separated the both of them and he hasnt seen his Hia for 2 days now. Zee is with his family in an Airbnb Villa which happens to be the near theirs while him and his family is staying in Zee's house.

He's itching to see Zee. He cant stand to not see Zee. Waking up alone without Zee next to him is getting on his nerves. The wedding is this evening but he wants to see him now. He wants to see him this instant. Calling and texting Zee isnt enough for him. He wants to feel Zee. He wants to smell Zee. He wants to kiss Zee. And he wont wait until 5pm before he can see Zee.

So Nunew deviced a plan. He will sneak out of the house and go to Zee. So he start tip toeing and went downstairs. He was about to exit the main door when it suddenly opened, revealing Peak.

"Nu?" Peak looked at him.

"Uhmm. Phi?" Nunew said as he bit his lip

"What are you doing? Where are you going?" Peak asked.

"Uhmmm. Nothing. I was just going and get some breakfast" Nunew said

Peak raised her eyebrow on him
"Your kitchen is on the other side buddy"

"Yeah, I know. I was just stretching" Nunew tried escape trouble.

"You're trying to sneak out to go and see Zee arent you?" Peak smirked at him.

"No im not! Im a strong independent man. I can stand a few days without Hia. I managed for 3 months!" Nunew's tone is way too high, giving away his lies.

Peak laughs at him.

"Yeah right, even a kid can tell you're lying" she giggled.

Nunew sighed and dropped his head.

"I just want to see Hia, this rule of not seeing him is stupid. We've been living together for goodness sake! What difference does it make?" Nunew complained

Peak ruffled his hair and chuckled.

"Lucky for you, im here because your precious Hia has something for you" Peak grinned at him.

"Come on, lets sit down" Peak said as she drags Nu to the sofa.

They sat down and she gave Nunew a small balenciaga box and a white envelope.

Nunew smiled as he takes them.

"Go on, open it." Peak told him.

Nunew opened the letter first. It's Zee's handwriting. He noticed a smell too. He sniffed the paper and realized it's Zee's perfume.

He knows im missing him too much
Nunew thought as he smiles. He then started reading Zee's letter.

Hi my love,

I cant sleep tonight so I decided to write a letter to you. In a few more hours, I will get to call you my husband infront of the people we both love. In a few hours, we will legally become one. In a few hours, I will be able to call you mine for eternity. And I cant be any more excited for that.

I miss you Nunu, being away for a few days from you just before our wedding is making me feel anxious. I want to see you, to hug and kiss you. But Im staying strong. I will make if through these two days for I know it will be worth it when I see you walking towards me.

I have a gift for you. I hope you like it. It's my promise to you that whatever you say, I will listen. That its your voice I will always look out for. That I will forever listen to what our two hearts say.

SerenityNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ