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Makayla's POV:

Alot had happened since the German pilot had touched down on the island.

To say the least, never ever let me in a fighter jet again- all I did was swear and scream from adrenilne. I also may have controldd it for a couple seconds ans sent us into a dive before releasing bullets.

But what reality had hit us with was the fact that more and more people were being liberated around Brisbane and our city. We also had nowhere to keep them safe. Well, sorta- that's a half lie.

Basically, we need our cities or town's showgrounds- which are curently being used as a prision camp- to host the refugees from Brisbane as we liberate it form its seige but we're gona need that city and its showground to host the refugees from there and our showgrounds. We need our showgrounds as a refugee camp while we free Brisbane but we need Brisbane as a place to keep the refugees and prisioners in our towns showgrounds.

We couldn't liberate one place without the other being free; which they were not. So high comand in the allied armies were bickering. And we had been 'summoned' to a meeting back in Canberra. Oh! And an Australian Boeing ch-47 chinook was coming to pick us up. You'd think we weren't even civilins at all.

Marcus and Zephyr were staying on the island with the rest of their squad to help deal with the refugees and incase any other attacks came. But they had written some letters in advance for us to take.

"Ready to fly in one of those bloody helicopters we hear and see fly over all the time?" Lachlan chuckled dryly as I walked into the canteen.

Everyone was mainly down the back, being informed on what was happening today. Marcus had set up a daily schedule mainly consiting of checking and catching food for our suplies, keeping what children we had entertained and educated. It mostly ran like a normal work day but with one catch- we were at war. If there were any changes to the schedule they would update the group.

The rest of the group had only found out yesterday. Marcus's idea, incase someone was afraid of heights or flying and tried to get out of it, "Yeah. I know those things were fun to see but they were also anoying when they flew over- tho I wasn't complaing about them training, only slightly adjitated that they needed to do it around our airport. Honestly, I feel slightly honoured."

The group let out a good chuckle.

"I'm sorry for not telling you guys sooner, Marcus's idea was not to tell you incase any of you hadn't flowen or were scared of heights. I hope Marc and Zeph can handle it hear, let alone those five kids. Eventhough their ages range from two to seven they are menice's" I shuddered at the thought of having to deal with Blakely, the 7yrd, having frogs again.

"As long as they keep the away from the shore when their not swiming; esspecialy at dawn and dusk, when there are sharks. And Blakely away from his new scare toy- frogs." Rhowan shivered as a spine-tinggling feeling went down his spine from his last experince with Blakely.

Poor Rhowan had been midning him and his sister Sasha as their parentd had wanted a day out alone, or most of what they could get of one, so they could finally come to terms with what was happening and having some alone time to process it. Well, Rowie had been glad that he had something else to do and to keep his mind off things- due to haveing more than three sibblings he was used to mastering the art of keeping children entertained. I decided I needed to take a break from guarding and basically running the island refugee hideout for at least a day, so I asked Rowie if he would want some help and he had me help with various things throughout the day.

Least to say, the kids had soo much energy that day so we decided to take a class exscersion to another beach and bay. We had trecked through the the trails and swamp; that's when Blakely found his first frog. Afterwards Rhowan enlisted my help with getting them ready for dinner when Blakely had somwhow found and managed to catch another frog. I'd seen him running around and scaring his sister with a few other kids when I called him over. He said he was sorry and apollogised to his sister and friends. I may have given him the idea to show Rhowan but instead he shoved it up his shirt and Rhowan screamed like a girl so loud the kids staeted squealing through their laughter.

In the end Blakely was bekoned over Rhowan and he explained that he knows Blakely wanted to just have fun but he should have approached it differntly and instead of causing a ruckus, asked Rowie and me for something to do- like tag. We were both gentle with our voices, trying not to upset him but also being stern with what we were telling him.

My only regret that day: Not having a camera running to capture it.

My eyes slid over to Rhowan, "Uhhh. Ro? Rhowan, has no one told you?They want to talk to you to, Rowie." I revealed.

His hand stopped halfway to his mouth with a spoon full of some ceral or something.

"WHAT?" he shrieked, earning Ace to jump beside him and smack him on the back as he had made her spit out her drink.

"OW! Sorry Ace. Who; what; when; and why."

"They think you might have viable imformation. And they're wanting to know how you are and how they were treating you and others." I replied.

"Like scum. A peice of gum you could chew and spit on; stomp on it so much but it would never stick to your boot like you would want it to. Unimaginable, Makayla. Like I said. I got lucky with been giving a job- the rest they used for manual labour."

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