The Priminister

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Inside was even more glamorous than its exterior. Gold streaks ran through the marble collums that held up the roof in the biggest hall I'd ever seen, the steady sounds of boots and shoes striking the marble floor echoed around the chamber like someone slapping a ruler against a desk. We were leaders and followed by guards to a big chamber with rich red carpet to signal the upper house of Parliament. Varnished dark wood seats limned the sides of the chamber in a U. Like what the concert band formed for our shows and practice. We had no idea where we were ment to sit do we just stood in a loose line waiting for someone to instruct us, my body grew heavy on my feet and I knew I'd been standing for around somewhat of over an hour. After my body slowly adapting to the Goalkeeper's extremities of standing for what seemed like ages my feet used to hurt only after a half; slowly that turned into three quarters. But nothing could take as long as it did for my feet to adjust from hurting after every game to sometimes if I leant on one leg too much and or with the tightness of my shoe and the kicker strapped to my foot.

"How much lon-" Felicity's sharp, bored and annoyance filled words were cut off by the ginkrmaiud oak doors opening with a low groan.

In walked in what I guessed were some parliament members all done up in their expansive suits and clothes, walking in all stuck up and proper as if there wasn't any war going on, let alone on Australian soil. Following them without a doubt anyone could tell they were Military Officials; with the heads held high they all strode in with confidence and their stride perfect from Military precision. A smirk started to form on lips when I noticed their blank expression change the slightest and their eyes changing the most into a searing glare towards the arrogant and pompous politicians. The Parliament members sat in various spots around the room only now not lifting their scrutinising gaze from us whereas the Military Officials sat together in the first row along the left side of where I was sure the Priminister sat during Parliament, if my memory was right that's where he'd sit or stand on the T.V.

All of them stood as the grand oak doors on the otherside opened and I felt my body go rigid, everyone else beside me tensed visiblely. You had to be an idiot to not know who was coming through those doors. Marcus and Zephyr had stood to their full height and where doing that military stance. The Prime minister took his spot up on his slightly elevated platform in between a row of first seats, he addressed the room and barely everyone too their eyes off of us to glance at him. Then finally he turned his attention to us; a group of seven shabby young adults and a teenager with two Australian soilders.

"Please, sit. And who may you's be?" He said as soon as he entered the room, he gestured to the first row of wooden seats, on the right side of the room.

Marcus slid down to the end and Zephyr followed, Ace went next than Aquila and after her Sky sat down. Ivy shuffled along to sit next to her and Flic parked her but next to her, which left me lucky last and to sit on the end.

Somehow things started to heat up between the Politicans and the Military Officials, just before things got heated the Prime Minister shut it down. He motioned to a guard and they picked up a remote; a projectable screen desended from the ceiling and with a flash it flickered to life with footage from our Go-pro's. The shouting stopped at once when everyone jolted at the noise of gunfire, me ranting and most likely forgot that my Go-pro was strapped to my head because of the language coming out of my mouth. I groaned and slid down in my seat with my head in my hands. When Zephyr and Marcus jted again at the screech of tires and machine gun bursts my brain reminded myself that they had never actually seen the footage from the Go-pro's.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?" A politician roared, anger filling his voice.

Before I could stop myself I was awnsering people, this time important people again.

"By all means I'd be happy to tell you. That is Go-pro footage of our first few weeks when the invasion began. "I was standing now; my converse leaving imprint din thr red carpet and my hands clutching the wooden wall tightly " And I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one here thst would or wouldn't be happy to share what they've expe on and off camera. Now if you'd shut up and watch you'll have your awnser to why thr Russians lost all of their artillery power and their guns!" With my rant over and my cheeks flushed with rage I slumped back into my seat and finally took in my surroundings.

The politican was staring at me like I was crazy and haughty/ shocked expression was plastered on his face. The Prime Minister however, was staring at me and the group with a scrutinising glare and what I swear was a hint of admiration. Then his face was back to its blank setting. "Sit down Mr Casey!" The Prime minister said loudly, his sharp and sharp words drowsed in firmness.  The Politican parked his butt on his seat within seconds of the words and glared at me consistently. The PM just motioned for the guard to return to playing the videos we had captured. At the end of the joined clips everyone was aloud out for a well needed break. We were followed around by a couple of guards but toher than helping us find the toilets or vending machines they kept silent and a careful, watchful eye on us. Eventually after half an hour the sesion resumed.

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