Decsion making

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An exsplosion out at sea woke me and the rest of the people on this island with a shaking boom. The people we saved knew better and did turn on the lights of the cabins but instead flashlights light up the surrounding area like lazers in a black sky.

"Hurry! Get to the canteen!" I shouted to a gruop of people who looked a bit confused on what to do.

Once everyone we rescued was safely inside the canteen we rushed towards the explosion sight. Upon arival a few alsmot fell from a sudden stop in their running. A huge aircraft carrier was sitting about five hundred metters away from the island and steaming towards mainland shore. Where they retreated from.

"Quick! Their trying to encircle the troops on land!" Rhowan wss the one to break the scilence and grabbed a long range riffle from a stationary Zephyer.

The ship was to far away to shoot; or even hit. But we still had to defend this part of free teritory somehow. Rowie took a pot shot from as far as he could go down the beach- not risking going into the posible infested irukandji jellyfish waters with the deadly stingers in the pitch black night. His shot landed nowhere we could see but the battleship kept on crussing.

"They have to come between these two islands if they want to make it to the shore otherwise their gona go straight into the frieght shipping channel." Marcus paused for a second "Maybe that's what they want!".

"What? To stop the cargo ships from importing amd exporting from Australia? You would have figured they'd done that by now!"

"Makayla! Grab that lazer off of Zeph!"

"Got it!" Now what?"

"Can you point it straight into the bridge?"

I tried, even standing on my tippie toes; but I wasn't tall enough. "Fuck! Hold on, let me climb up here".

I stoped trying and jogged up the beach behind the cabbins to the base of the lookout hill and started scrsmbling up it. Once I got to the top I climbed up onto a seat than stood up dangerously on the wooden slim frame protecting people from the little nasty dropp into bush and rock. Instantly the lazer beamed in a cleaer line over the ocean and straigh into the control room of the ship.

"YES I KNOW THIS IS A FUCKING STUPID, DANGEROUS IDEA MARCUS!" I shouted to him, who was still below me a few meters away from the dense foliage around the tiny drop.

The ship came to a crussing stop from the chargging speed it was opperating at, still clossing in dangerously closer to the beach albiet a bit slower. Does this guy think I'm trying to help him avoid the islands or what! Another boom, this time thousands time's quieter than the ships, sounded and four green and yellow fireworks exploded in a shower of mini sparkles of colour. The ship's crew managed to realise the problem they had put themsleves in and the aircraft carrier came to a frightening fast halt.

"GUYS! IN RANGE NOW!" was all I had to shout before Zephyr erupted on the machine gun. Sending around twenty rounds over the ships bow.

The ship must have had less armour and fire power than to mess with a machine gun. Or they thought better and weren't going to risk passing through Australian islands that seemed to be defended. With a sigh of relief I watched the Russians speed away as I sat down on the seat and surveyed the view. The rest of the group came up and after checking the surrounding water for anymore ships or signs for about an hour we headed back.

"Ace! Where are you?" Felicty called.

Staying hidden, Ace waited till the code was spoked. Abliet it was a bit stuppid.

"Rich and bueaties rare" Zephyr called.

"Advance Australia fair" Ace awnsered back.

Now the last peice to say it's safe.

"The boxing kangaroo-"

"Is a stupid symbol of Australia" She huffed, emerging from underneath the steps of the canteen "Why is there even flags with it on it?".

Marcus, Zeph and Rhowan chuckled. Felicity, Ivy and sky blinked in dumbfouned confusion. Lachlan just shook his head.

"Your supposed to say 'lives another day'!" I sighed.

Then Ace realised something, '"Waaaiiitt! Where's Aqulia? Fishy?".

I smirked at the mention of our missing slippery tiny friend. Ace scaned all of us and the suroundings between and around us and the building, but they never looked behind.

Ace suddenly whirlled around at a sound she heard only to let out a supprised squeal, "Aaarrcck!".

"FISHY!" she roared.

Aquila had snuck upon Ace and jumped on her as she spun around; therefore scaring her. Producing laughter from all around.

"Your suposed to be more alert!"

"I heard your boot in the dirt! Thank you very much!"

"Yeah! Cause its all dirt underneath here!"

Who's falt is that? Mabye YOU need to get more stelthier!"

Aquila froze and all I could think of was the music that built up to Run and then the person dipped out of there. Ace seemed to pick up on Fishy's hesitation and eased her way out of her partically enclosed area, inch by inch- gradually picking up the pace. Aquila leaned forwards as if she was a Olympic runner about to take off and with a burst of speed bolted after Ace.

AAHHH!" she shouted before sprinting away, as fast as her legs could carry her.

"They grow more and more confident everyday. And we can't keep a thousand plus kilometer streatch of coastline defended from them. We also need a place to house these people we all keep rescuing. I know you guys are down to shut dwn that highway" Marcus voiced.

"Brisbane. That's a major city and the capital city of Queensland. Perfect place to sustain and place resecued and refugees. But other than a captial city why do they want it so bad?" I added instantly.

"Because of its location. Importance to the contry amd state. And the amout of living space for soldiers. And for something else" Rhowan's face paled by every word.

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