Another Meeting

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I heard the farmillar and anoying sound of the curlew birds calling. Groaning, knowing I was not going to get anymore sleep I got up and got dressed. Pulling on some knee length black shorts and a fishing shirt on to keep the cool morning air away I slipped out of our cabin doors and then did I only realise how early it was. The sun was up but still very new amd due was slowly creeping ever so slightly even more onto everything now that winter eas approaching- but the thing that surprised me the most was how dark it still was outside.

My watch buzzed on my arm and I scilenced the six am alarm. It felt good to be up this early for once in a while. Like I was actually ontop of things. Opting to wear thongs instead of consuming time by tying up laces and getting my sneakers wet I made my way to the longhouse than to the canteen for an early breakfast.

"Your up early. Like, way earlier than usual"

"Yeah. Thank's Marcus, but I'm alright. Tho. I think that maybe the curlew's falt"

He grined ear to ear.

"Maybe you'd wana help head hunt a few?"

He let out a roar of laughter, knowing that those birds were the devil of the morning. Beside's we could not kill or take anything from the island. It was a national park. Including the retched Curlews. He knew I was mucking around. But, oh boy it would have been to good to shoot one of them and see the rest react. Then maybe they bloddy wouldn't make any noises in the morning at all anymore!

Soon, on by one; a few groups here and there, people started waking and coming for breakfast. After the mob was fed Marcus nodded at me to say it was time to anounce something. Zeph went first by talking about what needed to be done today on the island.

"Today! We need to camoflarge some things and also work out places and ways we can keep this island defended. But, I can't do it all alone with just these few friends. I need help from all of you's! Would you be able, willing, to help keep this ilans out of Russia's hands?" Zeph boomed, finishing.

A roar from the crowd of yes's! Ya's and YEAH'S! awnsered him back within a few seconds. To our surprise, even the kids, as young as ten were wanting to help out somehow. Zephyr thanked them and anounced that I would be speaking.

'So much for thinking you don't have Anexitey!' My mind shouted a I stood there dumbly. Looking over to my friends they all nooded for me to continue. And, Felicity who was actualy dignosed with the wors anexiety gave me thumbs up and raised her eyebrows twice. Showing how greatful she wasn't speaking. Turning away from the crowd slightly I poked my tounge out at her and clossed one eye. Giving her a silly face to which she replied with a certain finger.

Turning back to the crowd of atleast thirty people I started,"As you know, we saved you from the Russian's, but that at this point is all we will be able to do." In the slightest pause between my sentances people cheered and shouted their than you's "But, if we are able to regain ground around and Brisbane than we will have a better and saffer place for all of you's to live while this invasion still goes on. Still messes with the Australian's. BUT UNTILL THEN WE NEED TO GAIN THE ATTENTION OF OTHER COUNTRIES TO GIVE US HELP IN SUPPORT AND SUPPLIES TO TURN THIS WAR BACK ON RUSSIA AND BLODDY PUTIN'S HEAD!" I finalised shouting and the roar of the crowd's apprroval getting louder and louder.

The day continued although without Marcus. Everytime I passed by his and Zephyr's tent he'd pause...... talking? Then continue once he saw it was one of us. Aram's Battillon.

"No! NO! I.......ugh- arggh! We need a meeting, that's all."

"......... WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE CAN'T- I have them right here!"

"Look, all we want is to discus Bronco's. Can we do that?" He sounded like an angry spoilt kid over the phone.

"Marcus! Lunch is ready. So, if you don't want Zeph or Ace stealing it again then come and get it. Quickly!" I warned, as I was now in the tent since No one else would go and tell him that lunch was ready I could hear everything said over the phone.

"Who's that?" A voice with a somewhat farmilliar accent came over the phone.

Marcus raised his eyebrows and nooded at me beofre he shot a glance towards the phone and back. I took it and awnsered.


"Who is this?"


"Makayla who? Excatly?"

Marcus took the phone back.

"Makyla Janiszowski. Arams Battlion's leader. And we need a fricking conferance right now with the whole damn goverment!".

I'm pretty sure Marucus was trying not to blow a brain celll from how much his face was red and him trying not to swear added to it.

"Thank you! Goodbye" he said and hung up the phone after another minute or so of arguing with the person on the other end.

He turned around to face me and gave a burlugled sigh that rippled his army shirt.

"Go and get the others. There going to want to hear this".

I gave him a pat on the back out of sympathay and started heading out of the tent to track down our fellow idiots. When I found them I had to holdin a laugh; Zeph was doing his best to snorkle with foggrd up glasses while some were having trouble with wetsuits and Lachlan was realing in a fish. Or just his line.

"Catch anything?" I shouted, from the top of the beach

Causing heads to turn.

"Nope" he shouted, almost not pronouncing the E "But fish are bitting."

"Well, your gona catch a meeting with the Prime Minster again!" I shouted back.

A roar sounded not so far off in the sky and something flew overhead at a very low altitude. Then the sound caught up to it. A jet.

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