Chapter Two

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An arrow flew with deadly accuracy, imbedding itself deep in the twisted bark of an old oak. Jade lowered his bow with a mix of satisfaction and determination. Yet even still his young eyes reflecting anxiety and fear. Training for war had become a relentless routine, each arrow he released a step towards his first real fight.

The training grounds stretched before him, a mosaic of targets and obstacles that mimicked the unpredictable chaos of a battlefield. The biting cold was forgotten in the heat of practice, the snow-covered terrain bearing witness to Jade's burgeoning skill with the bow.

Oldrin watched from a distance, his blue eyes scrutinizing every movement. The seasoned warrior saw potential in the young elf, yet even he recognized the intimidation of war.

As Jade retrieved his arrows, Oldrin approached with a gruff nod of approval. "Not bad, lad. Yer aim's improving," he remarked, his tone gruff but acknowledging. A nice change to the Dwarf's harsh comments to which jade had reluctantly grown used to.

Jade flashed a small smirk, perhaps at the fact Oldren was being nice to him for once. "Thanks, Oldrin. I want to be ready when the time comes."

Oldrin studied the young elf for a moment, a hint of seriousness in his expression. "War's a different beast, Jade. It's not just about hitting targets; it's about survival. Ye'll face fear, uncertainty, and loss. Are ye prepared for that?"

Jade's emerald eyes dimed for a moment. "I... I think so. I just want to keep moving, if I don't I scared that I will freeze up"

Oldrin's gaze softened, his hand resting upon Jade's shoulder. The creased next to his blue eyes growing deeper as he stared into the young boy's innocent gaze. "I won't let that happen lad, ya have me word"


Eclipsar, now a figure in his Dire Wolf form, stood strong and tall beside Dezenym. His sleek, silver fur glistened under the pale moonlight, emphasizing the powerful muscles that rippled beneath the surface. The icy-blue intensity of his eyes betrayed a depth of experience, a silent witness to the harsh realities of war.

He had been a victim of its cruelties before—the agony of loss, as profound as the howling winds that echoed through the icy expanse. There he had also bore witness to his leader's demise, an Alpha, Raven.

In the haunting silence, memories of battles past flashed through Eclipsar's mind. The reverberating echoes of clashes, the scent of blood in the snow, and the weight of leadership resting upon Raven's shoulders. Yet, with her fall, the mantle had passed to Dezenym, and Eclipsar was bound to follow. Even despite the elven blood that tainted the pack.

Amidst the frost-kissed air, Eclipsar's instincts heightened, his ears twitched at the distant echoes of beaten shields, their arrhythmic beats signaling the approaching clash of Orcs and Wolves. A war bound by time.

Eclipsar, with a low growl, turned to face Dezenym, only to find his golden gaze boring into his soul. 

"Ready the Wolves, and get Onyx to safety. We prepare for war." 

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