Dragon's Castle - 3AM

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Everyone nodded as they set about to guard the castle. It was on lockdown but they couldn't take any chances with a cloned member of the Justices lurking around.

All they could do was pray that Eren and the others would come back and that they wouldn't become the next victims.


Down by the secret roses, Belle lifted the hood of her cloak up to keep her face hidden. Her blue eyes scanned her surroundings in case of the clone trying to get inside the castle. Her heart was beating so loud, she had to place her hand over it to steady it and not let fear consume her.

'Hope the others come back in time. Until then, better keep that clone at bay.'

Standing guard, she prepared herself in case something would happen that would put her and the others in danger. Without any warning, a rattling sound was coming from outside, startling her. Her eyes widened when the rattling turned to aggressive knocking.

"Stay away!" Belle stomped her foot onto the door, scaring away the source of the knocking with a bang.

"That was a close call." She remarked, trying to calm her nerves. "Please, let the others come out of this safely."

Her face was white with fear but she had to do her best to keep calm and stay strong for everyone's sake.

They had a long hour of terror ahead of them.


In the van, Eren sat with the others in the back, recovering from their previous missions when he received a message. A sharp gasp escaped his lips, alerting everyone.

"What's happening?" Asked Izuku.

"A clone's trying to get into Dragon's castle! We have to hurry!" Replied Eren, urgency evident in his tone.

"Good grief. Yusei, floor it!" Jotaro ordered the turbo duelist in the driver's seat.

Yusei silently nodded and slammed his foot on the accelerator, giving the van a burst of speed. The passengers held on tightly as they zoomed through the streets to get to their base of operations.

"I hope we're not too late."


In a hidden part of the castle, Angel and the AIs were huddled closely together, some shaking in terror and fear, hoping Dragon and the others were protecting their base of operations. There was no stopping that clone of Justin, even though the group was keeping that monster at bay.

"How much longer is this going to take?!"

"We're not gonna make it!"

Angel peeked through a crack to take a look outside. A tiny gasp escaped him upon seeing something coming their way.

"They're back!" The small avatar informed. "We better tell Dragon!"

With that, the small group began to head to inform their master, sticking to the shadows along the way. Finally, they reached the location and spotted Dragon immediately.

"Master, the others have returned."

Dragon was about to reply when a shriek startled them. His eyes widened, knowing what this meant.

"Shit! He got in!"


Sounds of growling were heard through the main foyer, soulless eyes gazing around for more victims. Dragon stood at the top of the stairs, face to face with one of the Justices. A malicious grin spread upon the clone's face, ready as if to complete its one goal: unveil the beast.

"Dragon!" Belle's voice called out.


A fist drove through the clone's chest, stopping it in its tracks.

"Trying to break into our base of operations, huh?" The sound of Jotaro's voice remarked, a sneer on his lips. "Good freaking grief, you really are asking for trouble."

The clone didn't have time to react as Star Platinum made his presence known and began delivering a barrage of punches so brutal, it was a killer beat down worth giving. The barrage of beatings got so intense, it knocked the clone straight out of the castle, killing it in the process, never to be seen again.

Everyone present was astounded at what they had just witnessed before them. The girls gathered into the foyer to see what was going on, though they were mightily relieved at the group's return to the castle.

"Is everyone okay? We heard about that clone breaking in." Asked Izuku.

"Yeah, we tried keeping it at bay until you arrived." Replied Rock. Chii nodded in agreement.

"What matters now is that we held out until you guys returned." Akiza remarked.

Tanjiro turned to Eren. "So what are we gonna do now?"

The brown haired male turned to the whole group before making a suggestion.

"We're gonna check the map to see if any locations have been invaded. In the meantime, you all get some rest until we discuss our next course of action."

With that said, the group agreed to a bit of well deserved rest. They would make sure to get plenty if they were going to end the invasion and destroy the overlord once and for all.

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