Chapter eleven: Lies

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Eugene stepped the sole of his shoe on top of Anastasia's head. As she squirmed under the weight he purred calmly, "When he was captured and nearly killed by the Brendell brothers, who do you think rescued the poor boy?"

Gelus, still grappling with disbelief, shot back, "Only to manipulate him into one of your puppets?"

"Puppet?" Eugene chuckled. "This man alone assembled an entire team to dismantle one of Ra's best ships and pilfer notable resources. He also successfully instilled fear in the Leavestones', dissuading them from attempting any deception against me. And it was his ingenious idea for me to lure the Brendells here with this scarlet ring while simultaneously exposing their names and location on the paper, ensuring their easy arrest later. He is without a doubt the only man who can properly rule over Tov."

He cradled the jewel, its bewitching color unmistakable. It was, beyond doubt, the ring that once adorned her father, the king. Strangely, it bore a striking resemblance to the one her cousin Ra wore the night of the spring ball. As her eyes met Caleb's, a surge of conflicting emotions washed over her. Despite her rage, the haunting beauty of his face, shoulders, and bare skin took her breath away. Tears streamed down her face as she uttered, 

"That ring, Caleb," Her voice trembled with sorrow. "father vowed it to you upon his death, a legacy for the boy he cherished as his own. To orchestrate all this only to reclaim it reveals that you remain unchanged."

His voice, almost suffocated, replied, "I am sorry; I do not remember you."

"Lies!" she growled. "The watch around your wrist was also a gift from my father. You despised it in your youth until I chose to engrave your initials on the gold. That was when-" She choked on her words. "That was when you smiled at me, and you made me whole!"

The man lowered his gaze.

Eugene interrupted with a devious smirk, "The sun is up princess, I have obligations I must attend to in the royal court." He left, skillfully avoiding the pool of blood left by Rudolf on the floorboard. 

Caleb did not move, his eyes wrestling to break free from Gelus's piercing gaze. The unsaid, like a haunting specter, hovered between them, leaving a profound ache in the spaces where words fell short.

She could see it now, the persistent bird, singing a melancholic tune within his silence, within his denial. He held memories of her, yet, for reasons unknown, he refused to acknowledge them. "What have he done to you?" she asked, he did not give an answer, she wasn't expecting one either. Her words extended to her arms, her hand resting gently on the pulsating rhythm of his body. 

Feverishly, she took his hand, "I promised to someone, that I would free us from the clutches of both Eugene and the king, to avenge the injustice we've suffered. But Caleb..." She tenderly traced his face, his strong chin drawing near her, "Just say one word, and I will flee this place with you. We can abandon everything, and find happiness."

He stepped back, "I lied about not remembering you for this very reason, Gelus. I cannot leave with you. Ten years has separated us and now we are too far apart. And though you cannot understand now, you need to know that—I cannot abandon Eugene's side."

"You have nothing to do here with these criminals- you - you do not belong."

His voice cracked underneath the weight of his emotions, "You know where I belong more than I? Your father murdered my people, burnt my home! And forced me into a castle, in a kingdom where I was hated, judged and chased down like an animal! But you will never be treated the same way, because they are your people."

She sprang from the bed, her hands on his chest, cornering him against a wall. "My father loved you," she stated, her eyes searching for his.

"Out of guilt!" he shouted, a cry that reverberated through the motel. "I could have easily been one of the many children he killed without hesitation. That is not love! And you do not love me either."

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