Chapter one: Where the enemy sleeps

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In the grip of a frigid winter, beneath the light of a watchful moon, King Omren of Tov Ayin Adonai found himself adrift and wounded within the heart of a foreboding forest. With only the glow of a lantern in his hands and a sword clinging to his side, he tread slowly, blood seeping from his injuries. "Donna, forgive me, for I shall not return home as promised," he murmured, succumbing to an immense fatigue. His weary eyes glimpsed through the dense trees a faint silhouette—a young boy, clad in a threadbare cloth, torn by the forest's hostility. Tender hands brushed against the king's beard, slipping an herb beneath his tongue. As King Omren chewed on the medicinal remedy, he beheld the child's face, whispering, "On the top of your head, pours pale wine and through it: I can see two glowing orbs, shining like gold. You are from a village my people destroyed, from a mother my soldiers must have defiled and killed. Why are you saving me? The man responsible for your tribulation?". The boy heard all these things and said nothing, on his wrist was tied the Elostrian flag.

On the mend, Omren rose with a jolt, the wind whipping through his armor like a cascade of lashes. The boy cowered against the storm's fury, sheltering in vain. Penitent, Omren lifted the child and carried him through the biting snow. "Shield your head," he commanded. "This way, when we pass my men, they won't suspect a thing.

At his kingdom, he was received by his general Dean Tungsten, who waited patiently for his arrival. "We won the war." he informed the king as the gates of Marshbird castle swung open, and in his arms, a gazelle leapt, tears of joy in her eyes, and her lips showering his neck with kisses. Unaware of the little boy until her heel grazed his toes, the relieved queen ushered Omren inside, where he spoke to her privately. Taking the child under her wing, she instructed her servants, "Cherish this boy. The king holds him dear. Dot on him as you do Gelus. Teach him things like you would a prince. If this child would to wander: reprimand him like you would your own."

Rebecca, the queen's most trusted domestic exclaimed: "Your majesty, what am I to do if he cannot comply to our rules or be sensitive to your love? He is an Elostrian, and cannot change, your majesty! You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change it's still going to stink."

"The king's decision is final. Moreover, the boy already has a name."

"A name!" she gasped. "A name, Your Majesty! Is it too improper to inquire what it is?"

"He shall be known as Caleb, meaning 'he who is full of heart,' and Jazel is his signature, signifying 'treasure.' I've been cautioned never to let him leave this castle, for no one must discover that their king shelters an enemy within these walls. Only a few of you know that he exists."

Once the queen departed, Rebecca seized Caleb's hand and shoved him in a keg, while Gelus        -the princess- stayed in a corner playing with a doll.

"An Elostrian eh!" Rebecca groaned "Is her highness about to let an imp disturb the peace of such fine castle?" She pulled Caleb's ear: "Can you talk?" she asked "Talk now, do not keep me guessing! ...Will you look at that, he must be deaf!" She clicked her tongue and trimmed his hair. Years passed, allowing it to grow as long as it was before. By then, Caleb had become the most distinguished young man in Marshbird castle. He excelled in archery, developed a penchant for books, and possessed extensive knowledge of the kingdom's history. Though mostly reserved, when he spoke, everyone who had the chance to listen found themselves hooked on his tongue. His violet hair cascaded gracefully above his head, and eyes couldn't help but linger on the gaze that shimmered with the colors of gold.

Gelus grew entrancing as well. She dazzled the finest physicians with her innate precision in calculations and her nimble prowess in various skills. A throng of men came from every corner of the country to ask for her hand; however, the princess's heart was already robbed by Caleb Jazel. She was at his heels at all times, and marveled on him when he dove in his books. His passions were hers, and his breath: her consolation. Rebecca, who once loathed him, came to love him like her own son, and she held the same affection for the princess. 

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