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The wind howled outside, pounding against Alcmene's chest as she raced towards Marshbird Castle on her loyal stallion, Rachel. The steward awaited her at the imposing main doors, ushering her swiftly to the study. Maids and two guards loitered in the corridor, with Alfonce stationed beside the door. Taking a deep breath, she knocked. Ten suspenseful seconds ticked by before Ra's voice echoed, "Come in."

As the door creaked open, Ra found hi general clad in a simple white gown and a pair high-top boots. He looked away.

She bowed. "You summoned me, my king?"

He turned around and saw his general in a simple white gown, wearing a modest pair of high-top boots. He looked away, she bowed. "You wanted me urgently?"

Ra's voice wavered, "Who told you it was appropriate to come in such attire, General?"

Stiffening, Alcmene responded, a hint of confusion in her tone, "I was at home when I received your note. Deeming it urgent, I only put on my boots and came as quickly as I could."

"As quickly as you could?" The king sat down, his almond eyes scrutinizing every detail of her dress. Alcmene stood rigidly in attempt to conceal her puzzlement. She looked up and meet the distant gaze of her king. He was observing the window's curtains, as if she did not exist.

Aware of his reputation for self-serving cruelty, Alcmene closed her eyes and awaited his words with patient anticipation.

"How lonely..." He moaned, his voice echoing through the vastness of the castle chambers. "In this fortress, it feels like I'm the sole inhabitant of a desolate world. Perhaps because it is far too big, and you feel drowned in all these riches." His attention reverted to her: "What can isolation do to a man? Or a child?"

An uncomfortable silence lingered in the air, tension thickening with every heartbeat.

"Can it drive him so mad that he finds no other consolation but to slaughter his own mother?"

"Your majesty!"

"Aren't you one of the few who heard about my story? Signed Ra, that is where my name came from. Do you know what it is like to be a king whom his people despise? I would have never ascended this throne if Omren and Donna hadn't died from... from... please remind me."

"The king died of tuberculosis, and the queen: shock."

"Is that what you believe?"

He strode toward her, fingers reaching for the back of her neck, his voice lowering to a whisper that seeped into her ear: "You are credulous enough to believe in everything you are told. So, if I tell you that I am not a murderer, that I loved my mother more than I loved myself, what difference would it make if you believed me? The opinion of someone so naïve holds no importance at all." His hands tightened on her shoulders, gripping her sleeves. "Regardless, I want to know, do you also believe what they say? You, who are so righteous and kind!"

His eyes dug into her gaze.

"Your majesty, I do not know what you want me to say."

"They called me an angel, a savior liberating Tov from her humiliation. They said that I was nothing compared to Omren."

"My king!" she shouted.

He released her, collapsing into his chair, burying his face in his hands.

"Leave, Tungsten. I've said everything that you needed to hear."

She trembled, a mix of fear and determination coursing through her veins. Gripping the doorknob, she hesitated and looked back at Ra.

"You did not kill your mother," she declared, her voice unwavering. "Others may be fooled and believe that you are a monster, but I know too well what the hands of a real murderer look like."

TO FIND A NEEDLE IN A HAYSTACKWhere stories live. Discover now