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Both of them looked forward meeting on Tuesday in person. Sofia was busy cleaning her kitchen as her phone went of. Surprised she answered "Pronto?" A boy's voice answered "Sofia? Oh good. Here is Olliver, do you remember me? The friend of Arthur?" "Yes of course, what can I do for you?" There was a bit of a pause before she got an answer "Well, something went wrong during practice today." The girl sucked the air around her "What...what do you mean?" Olliver talked softly "He is fine, kind of. He is in the hospital, but it wasn't big, just a scratch." Sofia got a little louder, a bit of panic in her voice "Ollie, what happened?" The boy groaned "He crashed. But it really wasn't bad, he just needed some check ups." "And why isn't he telling me that? When was that?" She was still really scared. Arthurs friend patiently answered "Well it was like an hour ago, he couldn't call you because he got out of the car straight to the medics and then the hospital, I don't he even got his phone. Since you aren't family, they didn't call you. But I thought it would be good to tell you." She got up again, hurrying into her closet "Do you know which hospital he is in?"

Sofia got into a more suitable outfit while Ollie told more. In the end the boy asked "Do you mind picking up his stuff here? I don't think Charles or his mom will come today and he probably wants his phone." She greed, typing the address into her navigation system.

The streets were packed, and it railed her up more. Slow traffic was always one thing she hated but today it was her enemy. Getting more and more impatient Sofia arrived at the training facility. Ollie stood infront with a red bag and two others boys. He hugged her as a greeting whispering in her ear "He is fine." The girl nodded "I hope so, thank you." All of them smiled. She notices that she knew the another one of them "Pual, nice to see you again." The addressed smiled "Yeah, sorry for the circumstances." Sofia nodded "Yea, I am sorry, but I just want to get to the hospital." The group wished her good luck, letting her go.

The hospital wasn't far. After parking her car, Sofia tried to find her way in the right devision. After ten minuets she found an information desk. The nurse there was nice, telling her the way to the right room.

Nervously she knocked on the white door. A worrying exhausted voice cold her in. Arthur laid in the white hospital bed, pale as never before with a bandage around his head. His Mother, Charles and Lorenzo were all there looking at her. Arthur smiled "Sofia? What are you doing here?" The girl carefully closed the door behind herself "Ollie called me." She smiled at his family walking over to his bed "He gave me your stuff." The boy nodded "Oh, that's nice of him. Come sit." He padded the bed next to him. Unsure Sofia walked over "I don't know. Are you alright?" He nodded a bit "Yeah just a concision nothing new." As soon as she was in his reach his arms were around her waist pulling her in.

She carefully sat down were he wanted her. Worried she let her hand fall onto his cheek striking the cold skin. Arthur leaned into the warm touch. The silence was broken by Arthur again "I am sorry I don't think I'll make it today." The girl rolled her eyes "Don't worry I noticed, and I think that is more then expected." Charles and Lorenzo chuckled in the background. Their mother smiled at her son "I need to talk to the doctors for a moment, yes?" Her sons all nodded. As the woman left she stroked over Sofias hair "Thank you for coming." The girl smiled at her "Its nothing. I would have been here earlier but the traffic was so bad." The women nodded and left.

Charles sat down in of the chairs "So Ollie called you?" She nodded "Yeah." Lorenzo sat down in the other chair "Just so you know Arthur is on some medication. And has a concussion he is a bit...honest." His little brother beamed at him "You are just jealous." Lorenzo laughed "Yes Arthur that's it, for sure." Sofia smiled down at him "How did this even happen?" "Well were racing and I bump into the wall... it happens." Charles nodded "It actually does." The girl nodded "Alright." Arthur stared into her eyes "Are you mad at me?" She smiled warmly "Oh no, I could never." The boy nodded "Good I don't like it when my girlfriend is mad at me." The room went silent.

Charles looked at Sofia "Wait, you are officially dating?" The girl stared right back "I...I don't know. We never talked about it yet." Arthur whined grabbing her hand "But I really like you." Softly she turned back to boy "I like you too Arthur, but I think we shood talk about this when you have a clear mind." He pouted "Mean." The girl smiled at him "Oh sweetie." She carefully kissed his cheek "I really do like you and I promise we will talk about that later."

Then his mother come back with a doctor, talking in French. As soon as they ended the conversation the man turned to Sofia "I am sorry Miss but our visiting hours are ending, I need to ask you to leave." Sofia nodded understanding "Yes of course." She bend down pressing another kiss on Arthur cheeks "I'll see you later?" The boy pounded again "Fine." Charles stood up as well "I leave with you, I have to pick up Alexa." The girl nodded "If it helps, I can get her?" Charles smiled "No thanks, I haven't seen her in a few days so I am really looking forward to that." After saying goodbye both of them left the room walking to the Parkhouse.

Arthur war okay to leave after two days. Sofia promised she would come and visit him at home. So she did. The boy still looked a bit rough sitting in his bed leaning against the headboard. Carefully the girl sat next to him "How are you feeling?" He smiled content "Good, I am alright." He mentioned her to come closer. Sofia crawled next to him letting him warp her in a tight hug.

After a few second, he pulled back, only to kiss her. The longed for his touch straddling his lap an instant. The heated make out session ended when both needed some air to breath. Arthur hands were sprawled over the naked skin of her lower back, underneath her hoodie. The couple warmly smiled at each other, feeling blessed for their company.

Arthur got serious, asking "About what I said in the hospital." Sofia nodded quietly "I want to talk about it now." She smiled warmly "Of course. I want to you to know that I meant it." The boy cupped her check, caressing her lips with his thumb "I meant it too. I really like you and I would love to have you as my girlfriend." The girl stared in his eyes capturing loving gaze. She softly kissed him once more "I would really like that, Arthur." Promptly he got back to kissing her, sealing their relationship.

Traditionally they got interrupted by Noone else then Charles. Arthur groaned at his older brother "For real? What's wrong with you Charles? Do you have a sixth sense knowing when you are interrupting good moments." The older scrunched his face "You are an asshole, I came to check on you, how am I meant to know what you are doing?" Arthur rolled his eyes "Go do something with your girlfriend, I am spending time with mine." The man in the door smiled "So it is officially?" Shily Sofia nodded, smiling at him "It is." Charles wanted to step closer, congratulating them but Arthur stopped him "No, we are busy go." The older brother rolled his eyes, turning away "Congrats Sofia, you got yourself an asshole." The girl giggled at his sour face "Oh Charles see it that way, we can officially double date with Alexa." That made him actually smile, but he couldn't stop himself from one last sentence "Have fun, just not to much. Remember mom is downstairs." Arthur yelled after him, but the man had closed the door already.

The boy groaned at his brother mumbling insults in French in Sofias shoulder. After a minute he was over it, watching Sofia "What do you want to do?" The girl looked around "How about we watch a movie? If  that is alright with your head?" He nodded already grabbing the remote. They steeled on a romantic-action-comedy movie and had a blast laughing at it, between kisses and cuddling. 

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