Late night conversations

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Just as she loaded up the dishwasher a call reached her. Without checking she picked it up "Pronto?" She got used to the Italian way to answer a phone so fast. Secretly she loved it and decided to just keep it, answering any call like it. The voice on the other side was a little husky, it made her organs crumble a little "Hey there princess, awake now?" She softly laughed "Hey Arthur. I am really sorry." He chuckled as well "Don't worry, I think Charles was a little pissed I woke him but oh well." She continued putting the dishes away "Yeah I talked to Alexandra earlier, but he went on a run so it couldn't be that bad." Someone screamed in the background of Arthur "Leclerc come one get of the phone you can call your girl later." He chuckled again "Listen I think I have to go. I just wanted to say thanks and see if you are alright." She giggled as the screaming came closer "I fine, go and celebrate with your friends. We talk some time else." Arthur answered fast "Bet, and I am sure they will take my phone if I don't hang up now. Bye." Just as he hung up Sofia could hear another boy "Who are you calling Loverboy?"

The next day, Monday, was packed with shopping for basic stuff Sofia needed for her apartment, working and a workout. Alexandra had texted earlier telling her when the plane was supposed to be landing. Arthur was back in Monaco as well, he had texted her before starting his journey as well. Sofia was getting ready for the chill night in at Charles place. After a shower the girl slipped into her favorite long jumpsuit. She loved the light, but comfortable tight black material. After checking the weather, she pulled a oversized grey sweatshirt jacked over it. As a good guest, that visits her friend's home for the first time, she packed a bottle of whine and Prosecco for Charles and Alexandra as well as some snacks just in case. Alexandra had mentioned that they could watch a movie or something. After she applied some simple make up Sofia just sat down and waited to get the go from her friends.

The go came only 40 Minutes later from Charles.

Charles: Hey we are back and ready, wanna come over?

Sofia: great, yeah I will be there in like 15 Minutes

Charles: Should I pick you up?

Sofia: No thanks I am gonna walk, its not far

Charles: Alright, but please send you location so we know you are safe

Sofia: Sure. See u – Sofia has shared her Location

Charles: Thank you

Sofia checked herself in the mirror a last time. Her light curls were all over the place again, but she let them. The girl packed some hair ties anyways for later. Then she picked up the packed bag and left her apartment. The address wasn't far so the walk wasn't really long. Sofia enjoyed seeing more of her new home. The streets were light up and people were walking, chatting everywhere. As she saw them all dressed up she felt a little out of place and asked herself if she should change into something less casual but it was to late anyways. The house Charles had described was easy to find and after she mentioned her name and Charles name to the door men he told her the way.

Alexandra opened the dark door. The girl smiled "Sofia, Good to see you" She hugged the slightly taller girl tightly "Come in." Charles appeared out of a doorframe "Sofia" He hugged her "Welcome." She smiled and opened her back "Thank for inviting me." Carefully she pulled out the bottle of wine, handing it over. The man smiled warmly "You shouldn't have, thank you. We can open it later." Sofia smiled "No worries, sure. I brought some Prosecco for Alexandra as well." She turned around handing her friend the dark bottle. The girl Smiled at her "Naw, thank you. That's so sweet." She hugged her again "Let me open this one right now." She indicated Sofia to follow her. Charles followed them with his bottle putting it down on the counter. The bright kitchen was beautiful. Sofia noticed that the other two as well wore some kind of casual fit. Alexandra popped the cork and pored the to girl a glass. Charles declined a glass saying "His diet didn't really allowed it".

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