More then friends? Part 1

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The girl was woken up by her phone. Still groggy she answered "Pronto". Charles answered, "Are you asleep?" She hummed "Hm, why?" He clicked his tongue "Well I wanted to talk about the boat trip." Sofia sat up slightly "Alright, yeah." The man laughed "Okay so I need to leave a bit earlier. I would take Alexa with me." A pause followed "I wanted to know if you would be okay with Arthur taking you." Sofia breathed out deeply "Yeah, no. Its alright. Arthur is great." She actually got up from her couch.

"When are we leaving?" "How about an hour? Would that be fine?" The girl looked at herself in the mirror "Fuck... sorry. Yeah, that's fine. Tell Arthur I'll be waiting outside." Charles laughed "I mean if it's that bad." The girl groaned "Not that, I just realized how I looked." The answer was just a warm laugh making her giggle. After a minute Charles calmed down first "Okay, I will call Arthur now, see you."

After hanging up the girl rushed around her apartment trying to pack what she needed. After that she changed into a Bikini. Still rushing she applied some sunscreen and pulling a big graphic over herself. The hour was nearly up so Sofia took her stuff, closing her apartment and walked to the curb of the nearest street.

The car was heard before she could see it. The red Ferrari she saw on the first day they met pulled up to her. Nervous she climbed into the passenger seat "Hey Arthur, thank you for picking me up." The boy smiled at her "Not a problem, I looked forward seeing just you." He checked the traffic and drove of.

Sofia looked out the window. She still felt a little sting seeing him again but knew it was no use so she asked, "How are things going?" The boy smiled "They are fine. Driving is good. And with you? How was the girls night?" The other smiled "Oh it was fun. I really enjoyed it and I got to meet some people." Arthur gave her a long gaze before concentrating on the street again "And with people you mean?" The girl laughed "Oh well Alexa had a thing for introducing me to possibly every single man in there." She noticed how he gripped the wheel a little tighter before asking "And? Met someone you will see again?" They pulled up to the street along the sea. "Oh. No. I am not interested in dating someone I met in a bar right now."

That picked up the interest of the boy again "So where you meet someone you would date? An App?" She laughed a bit "No, I think over a friend who can vouch for them. I had my fair share of experiences I don't want to repeat." Arthur nodded "Oh I understand, so what is your type?" A little unsure Sofia thought it wouldn't hurt anybody so give Arthur some clues on her little crush on him so she answered "Well my age and a little older. I really love men with brown hair and dark eyes. Like green and brown is really sexy in my opinion. He should have a job, but I am open to a long distant thing. He should be close with his family and have some similar things to me." Attentive she watched Arthur's reaction to all that. The boy nodded staring at the street "Sounds reasonable."

Sofia asked back "What's your type? The new girl in your life?" She notices how nervous her heart rushed. The answer came after the next streetcorner "I guess. I like girls with a life. Like friends and a job a passion on their own. I would date a fan but its hard to know how is in it for the racing driver and Charles's brother and who is for me." Understanding she nodded "Weill I hope she is the second." Almost incidentally he added "She wasn't."

Surprised Sofia stared at him "What?" He gave her a slight smile "She wasn't." The girl made big eyes "How?" Arthur laughed "you want the hole story?" Interested Sofia nodded "Yes, yes please." "Well as you know she is an influencer. We actually met online after she slide into my DMs. I thought she was sweet, and we texted for a while." He stared back on the street "I really liked her and we wanted to meet. We tried setting up a date, but it never really worked. That's when I met you. After some more tries we finally found a date that worked for both of us, cause a job cancelled on her and she was in Italy. That was the day we were supposed to meet. Well I went on that date and it was fine." Sofia hummed giving him a reassuring smile.

"So we met again and that when it started. She only took pictures of well kind of me or us... I don't know. She posted it on Insta without me even agreeing. I saw it a bit later when my phone blew up with comments and tags. I asked her to remove it, that's when she kinda flipped. I made her delete it and that was it." He went quiet for a bit "I am a bit disappointed but, it was for the best." Sofia nodded slowly "I am sorry she did that." Arthur smiled at her, showing of his dimples "Well I am juts sorry that I had to miss our day." Sofia laughed "yeah I had a great time." The boy smiled kinda sadly "Yeah I saw that." He slowed the car down as they approached a gate "I saw you at the restaurant, but I think you didn't see me." The girl smirked "no I guess not." A man approached the car asking for some information before letting them pass. Arthur parked the car, getting out.

Sofia got out as well sucking in the sea smell. Happily she skipped a few steps earning a laugh from Arthur "Someones happy." She smiled at him "Yes, I love the sea and this is like the best days of my life. I never was on a yacht before." The boy nodded getting his stuff, taking hers too. After locking his car he walked a few steps. Sofia trailed behind him to the entrance. Arthur pulled out a cap, putting it on backwards.

Smoothly he just put his hand on Sofias back directing her "Ladies first." He pushed her onto the wooden path. The girl felt the pink blush rise on her face again. Arthur kept his hand right where it was leading her. They saw Charles first. He stood on the path talking to someone. He wore a cap as well shielding his face from the sun. Arthur pulled Sofia even a bit closer holding her by the waist. The girl smiled nervously. She could smell the typical wooden smell of him. His warm hand left her skin buzzing underneath his slender fingers.

The man next to Charles left and he noticed his brother and Sofia. With a knowing grin he greeted them "Hey you made it." Arthur greeted him with a hug and Sofia got the same tight hug, before getting lead onto the yacht. The younger Leclerc followed behind her his had glued to her back.

Only when they got onto the deck and Alexa came to greet them, he removed it again. Alexa smiled widely "There you are." She hugged them as well. Charles sat down next to the steering wheel "Then we can leave?" The group nodded. Arthur and Alexa used to theses trips helped Charles get everything set and running so they could leave. After they left the harbor the brothers talked while deciding where to go while Alexa took Sofia into the shades a few feet away.

There Sofia stripped out of her shirt and putting her stuff down. She didn't even got to put on her shades as her friend was all over her "Well, well. I guess the new girlfriend is already out of question?" Sofia laughed "He told me about her. She went as fast as she came." Both giggled until she got serious again "I mean I am sorry for him. She didn't seam to be what he hoped." Alexa nodded "And he has a better option right here."

They sat down on the table. Sofia was a little unsure "I mean we are actually just friends till now. We never even met up without you and Charles so." Her friend rolled her eyes "Do you like him?" Sofa watched as Arthur talked to Charles with his hands all over the place. His longer hair standing rebellious in the air. It made a warm smile spread over her face "yeah, but I made my move, and he dropped me for another girl I think I will leave the next move in his field for now."

The girls went over to sunbathing on the deck while the other two drove them over the blue ocean. They stopped near the Italian cost where they planned on eating dinner. Excited Sofia stud up ready to jump in the cold water. She fixed her two-piece swimming set putting on a little show. Alexa next to her giggled "Now you are just teasing." Her friend shrugged "And?" Her friend took out her phone "lets make it last a little."

She gave the younger girl some instructions. Sofia did as told posing on the railing with the sea behind her. Her pale skin shimmered of the amount of sunscreen she put one. The light locks framing her slim face. Alexa directed her some more, aware that both men were watching them from above. When she was sure to have a few good pictures of her friend they switched. Charles came over posing with his girlfriend. 

Arthur Leclerc - Racing Love - Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें