Meeting the family

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As always, she plugged in her phone and went for a quick shower. The girl got dressed in a big hoodie with some leggings. Two tired for make up she just pulled on a pair of big fluffy socks and some boots. Afterwards the girl searched for bag to pack some stuff. Remembering that Charles and Arthurs mom would probably be there she went into her storage room and picked out a bottle of red wine as a present. Lastly, she grabbed her car keys and closed her apartment. On her way to the car Sofia send Arthur her Location, letting him know she was on her way and when she would arrive.

The house was beautiful, inside, and out. Arthur told her to park in the driveway, where he waited. The light sun was making his brown hair glisten. The boy was wearing lose jeans and hoodie as well. She could see that he was tired, instantly feeling compassionate. As a greeting he wrapped her in a warm hug, burying his head in her locks holding her for a bit. Sofia let him, wrapping arms around his neck slowly caressing his neck and hair in the back of his head. He smelt like oak, leather and peach; she loved it.

Carefully he pulled back again smiling down onto her "Bonjour" Sofia laughed sweetly "Buongiorno Bellissimo" The boy smiled wider pulling away completely leaving her a bit cold. He turned back to the house he came from intervening their fingers, pulling her with him.

The inside was modern but still classical. Sofia liked it a lot. Big Windows showed the garden behind the house. Arthur led her into the kitchen. It looked a bit like the one Charles had in his apartment, just bigger. On the counter Arthur had laid out a bunch of different things. Interested Sofia looked through them: fruits, yoghurt, eggs,... The boy waited for her to look at him again before asking "You want to put your things down?" The girl nodded "Sure, I have a present for your mom?" She showed him the wine. Arthur took it "I'll put it down in the living room so we won't forget to give it to her. She is still sleeping as well." Sofia hummed "Understandable." Arthur nodded before disappearing for seconds.

While he walked back in he kept talking "Yeah yesterday was a shock. She was super anxious." He stared at the ingredients. Sofia smiled before she carefully stretched her arm out brushing a strand of hair out of his face. The boy smiled softly "Thank you." She nodded "How are you feeling? With all of this?" The boy groaned "I mean its still bordering me, but they are fine. No one got hurt, it's all right." His body remained tense. Sofia walked over wrapping again her arms around his torso "It's okay to feel a bit off." He nodded, but still didn't look at her. Worried the girl laid her hand on Arthur's cheek "Arthur? Should I go? Maybe you all need some time and space?" The boy remained silent for a second before locking their eyes "No, I really like you being here. It calms me." He let go of the countertop returning the intimate hug. Sofia caressed his soft skin staring up at him. She could see the dark circles under his eyes and still spaced-out looking eyes, but Arthur knew what the best for him and she respected that.

A loud thud from the hallway startled both, making them pull away from each other. After listening for the noise and nothing happening Arthur turned back "Okay, we should start making breakfast." Sofia nodded "Absolutely, what do you have in mind?" The boy pulled out the eggs, flour, honey and butter "Pancakes?" Excited Sofia laughed "Oh yesss, I love them for breakfast." Arthur laughed at her "Well then let's get started." He opened cabinets pulling out a bowl and whisk.

Naturally Sofia got started separating the eggs and shoving the egg whites into Arthurs arms "Here, whisk them till they are stiff." He laughed warmly "Bossy aren't you?" The girl raised an eyebrow "Of course." She groaned "But it gets worse in the kitchen. I am normally pretty chaotic but in the kitchen it's the opposite." Arthur started whisking "So you can actually cook?" She laughed "Yeah, well not like steak or stuff like that but I am pretty decent. How about you?" The youngest Leclerc smirked "I can make pasta, but a really good one not the Pesto with it kind." Sofia finished the dough watching him "Sounds great, Pasta is always a good one."

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