more then freinds! Part 2

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Arthur waited behind Sofia smiling at his big brother. After they were finished, he smiled at Sofia "You look good." The girl blushed "Thank you, you look handsome yourself." Confidently he smirked "Thank you. Ready for a swim?" She nodded still nervous "Yeah absolutely." The boy let down a leather into the water before jumping in the sea. His head popped out of the water again, washing his hair all over his face. He pushed the thick strands back gazing up at Sofia "Come on beautiful." The girl nodded and jumped in. The water was cold but not freezing. It cooled down her blush, flattening her hair. With a gasp she broke through the water surface. Arthur laughed "and?" She smiled "Oh its good." She took a few strokes away from the boat. The boy followed her with fast movements.

Competitive they raced each other around the boat until she had enough and pushed his head under the water. Gasping Arthur emerged again "You little..." He tried grabbing her, but Sofia already swam back a bit. She laughed so hard that she swallowed sea water. Arthur came closer rapidly, but the girl was still couching up seawater and didn't notice. He finally was close enough to grab her by the arm. With a little squeak Sofia got yanked forward. Arthur had a tight grip on her arm, which he bend behind her using it to press her flush against himself. With big eyes Sofia stared in his eyes.

He was so close that she saw all the little freckles on his nose. Fastly breathing her chest rose against his naked skin repeatedly. To get a little stable she had her second hand on his shoulder trying to push him off without putting too much afford in it. Arthur pulled a little closer so their noses nearly toughed. His voice raspy and breathing heavy as he mocked her "And now? Can't move, eh?" He could feel her cold fingers grabbing onto his shoulder making his skin form goosebumps all over his back. The boy stared at her face. He loved all the little wrinkles forming on her soft skin from laughing a lot. Her pink lips gaping to get enough air. His fingers still wrapped around her arm and back. The boy could feel goosebumps all over her as well as well her fast breathes which ghosted warmly over his cold skin.

Sofia chuckled rattling "I don't know, you tell me." His lips formed into a big smile with the dimples she liked so much "Oh I..." But Charles interrupted their moment "Arthur? Where are you? Sofia?" Athur breathed out deeply before groaning "What do you want Charles?" His brother yelled from another side of the boat "I wanted to make sure you two are okay?" His younger brother still didn't let go of Sofia "We are fine, go talk to your girlfriend." Sofia laughed out "Arthur." He shrugged his shoulders grinding them against her upper body "What? He can talk to her and leave us alone for like five minutes." Sofia was sure he felt her hard nipples through her swim top. The cold water and Arthurs body pressed against her, made not only her nipples hard. Charles was not having it "I am coming over." Sofia could hear Alexa trying to stop the man "Charles leave them alone." But her boyfriend wasn't having it at all "No, I am being a good brother making sure he isn't drowning." Arthur groaned once more letting Sofias arm free. She slipped a bit away from him, paddling on her again. The blush still visible on her face.

Charles came swimming around the nose of the boat "There you are." Arthur gave him a dirty look "Yes here I am, not drowning at all, just like I was the whole time since you could hear me." Sofia laughed quietly "Oh Arthur." The boy just smirked at her "Oh please he only saved you, I am still getting my revenge for you dunking me." The way his voice playfully growled made her body shiver again. Not getting the vibe of the situation Charles asked, "Are you cold Sofia, you are shivering." The girl just dived into the sea desperate to hide her blush from Arthur. After she came back up again her body was back to a normal state. Charles and Arthur were still bickering like brothers do, so she swam back and got out of the water back onto the boat.

The girl grabbed her towel drying herself of. After a bit Alexa came back as well. The other girl sat down next to Sofia in the sun "Well what were you and Arthur doing?" Sofia blushed hard hiding in the towel. She only told her friend about the swimming and ducking. The girl was sure her friend didn't really believe her but she still didn't asked more about it.

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